does sum1 have a killotrocity pack that is already sppf's applied to it ready to put in halo2? cause i hav no friggan idea wat im doin with the map pack wen i DL it, all i got so far is the is the original maps in the folder. where do i put the maps on my xbox wen i got them?
There is no download with the maps already patched. You copy halo 2 on your hardrive and when you get your killtrocity map pack, you replace every halo 2 map (except with the killtrocity maps.
sorry teak, but there is a download somewhere for the ready to burn iso, i found it a while back but i dont know what tracker it was on, may have been blackcats...
hey, mike try to remember plz. and halo2 wont fit on my HD, not enough room.......i do hav an X3 chip but the post office lost my 200GB HD and i just got the money today, and im goin to buy a new PC with it. wat can i delete on my box that i dont need?
Any apps or emulators that you put on there. You should never delete anything that was on there before you added anything. Also you don't have to copy all of halo 2 to your harddrive. Follow this tutorial for further details. @mikeismad, I was assuming he was talking about killtrocity on his harddrive rather than an ISO.
thanx man, but how is this killotrocity map pack do i just add thoughs maps to the halo2 folder? i sent u a pm, theres a prob with ur tut
ok, wen u say "copy all these files to ur comp" do u just mean the files in the pic that works? well the pic that shows wat to put on the xbox works so i guess i know wat to get. wat bout my killotrocity question? do i just add the pached maps to the Halo2 folder in Game?
nvm i just put the killo pack on my box (took a wile) and i did it with ur tut, i need the maps u sed i do in ur tut if all i want to do is play the killotrocity pack?