Ok, Changed to 'Cellular Regeneration' If someone has regenerating flesh around their entire body, and say they are on fire, like completely drenched in huge flames. 1. How long will the flames last for? I mean will they lose energy or something? Will not the body continually provide fuel for the flames to burn? 2. How long until there oxygen supply is cut off - asphyxiate? I mean obviously they won't be able to breathe with flames. Pretend this person could careless about the pain and is just standing there. Skin regenerates, lets say at a 1 second rate. Sort of like Piccolo style, or better yet, Wolverine style.
if they could regenerate quickly completely they wouldnt run out of energy cause there energy would regenerated.they wouldnt run out of oxygen as fire needs oxygen to burn.they would inhale toxic fumes but since they regenerate there lungs and airways wouldnt suffer any damage and they'd be fine.