Region free not working!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by CHRONOS, Nov 9, 2003.


    CHRONOS Guest

    Hi i'm having major problems trying to get any of the available region free software to work! Tried Region free, X ghost & a couple of others. When one of the programs is enabled if i try run a DVD in Power DVD it tells me the disc is damaged! But they are not, still work in my stand alone player. Tried using SHRINK or decrypter no luck in getting them to work, just tells me the drive is set to another region! Any help would be apreciated!
  2. koola

    koola Guest

    Try AnyDVD from slysoft. This decrypts DVD's on-the-fly and makes it region free!

    CHRONOS Guest

    Just tried AnyDVD put in a R2 disc, my drive is currently on R1 and said there is a problem, either faulty disc (which it isn't!) or certain drives have problems inc Panasonic/Matshita which is the make of mine, it advises to get a firmware patch. But I'm not gonna do that i've heard you can permanently damage your drive, not worth it.
  4. koola

    koola Guest


    CHRONOS Guest

    Hi i'm R2 live in UK, i just get R1 because they come out quicker & generally uncut. Not been really a problem before because can play my R2's on my standalone player, just that just got hold of Terminator 3 R3 want to back it up. Oh my drive is on R1 but not locked(yet!)Would just like to be able to put any region im my drive no problems.
  6. #afonic

    #afonic Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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  7. koola

    koola Guest

    Yep, you need to flash your drive with region free firmware with the link supplied by #afonic.

    CHRONOS Guest

    Yeah, I know, had a search for it the other day found the correct one, but dont want to risk it in case i bugger up my drive! My luck i will! Does any one know of a ripper that will do the job anyway? SHRINK & decrypter have both failed me.
  9. koola

    koola Guest

    AnyDVD and CloneDVD will do it.

    AnyDVD does the DVD Decrypting.
    CloneDVD does the compressing and writing.
  10. gio2003

    gio2003 Guest

    does flashing your drive have anything to do with the firmware?
  11. koola

    koola Guest

    Yes, you flash the firmware update to your Drive, hence "Flashing".
  12. gio2003

    gio2003 Guest

    what do u guys think the best firmware is for 105 usa model im ineurope so im meant to be on r2 firmware ?


    CHRONOS Guest

    Tried AnyDVD dont work, found out that matshita drives dont work with these region changing programs. Looks like I'm going to after use firmware. Prob just keep it the way it is, heard a few horror stories. Not really a major problem as mainly get DVD's from US.

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