Bought a Sony Vaio VGC-LS1 its combo slot drive has Region1 set by default, where as my other Sony DVD burner DR 810 is Region Free i.e. 0……is it technically possible to make the Vaio combo slot Region Free 0 from its set Region1?
I don't think there is any RPC1 firmware (firmware to make it region free) available for the Sony DRU 810. But you can use software to do this...such as...
Sony DRU-810 DVD Burner is region free i.e. O ( installed on a different machine)........but the combo drive I got with my Sony Vaio VGC-LS1 is set at Region 1 by it possible to make that combo drive REGION FREE, O like DRU-810…..with out using any sws like AnyDVD or IdleDVD Pro?
Ah that would be why i couldn't find any RPC1 firmware for it then. Sorry, I misread. Even so, there isn't any RPC1 f/w for this drive. So your only option is software.