When backing up Office Space, I got a pop up that says "This DVD appears to be R.C.E. Protected! If you CORRECTLY specify the region for which this DVD was intended DVD Shrink will remove the R.C.E Protection. If you leave the R.C.E coding unmodified, this DVD will not play in a region free DVD player, or a player with a region code other than the intended region." I'm left with 2 options: Specify Region or Leave R.C.E coding unmodified. I imagine I could choose either one, choosing USA, Canada for the region or I could leave it unmodified, and either way it would play. I was just looking for some confirmation, if anyone else has gotten this message or knows what to do.
hhhhmmmm no I have backed this up with dvd shrink and dvd decrypter and neither nor asked for anything .....I Take it your from the uk?