Registry Cleaners -do I need one and which?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by celinego, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. celinego

    celinego Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Hi, hope I'm posting this in the right place.

    I have a 3.5yr old Dell Dimension 5150 running Windows XP. My hard drive has 150GB capacity, 120 of which is free. I have a Belkin N1 Wireless router and broadband (not sure of the exact speed though).

    My problems is basically speed of things loading up, either from Start Up or just uploading digital photos and certainly when loading up youtube vids. Also my photo thumbnails don't always display.

    I do regular maintenance such as deleting temp files, cookies, browsing history, prefetch, disc clean up and disk defragmenting (practically weekly), as well as deleting/refreshing Outlook Express dbx files.

    I'm not particularly PC au fait but more than just a newbie. It seems all things point to perhaps my Registry not being as good as it should be. (I do download a lot of apps, try them...but then I do uninstall them again...and delete any remaining files from my C drive).

    Anyway, I was considering purchasing a Registry Cleaner but am really nervous about it as I don't want to do more harm than good through ignorance! I have no idea what any individual file in the registry means or relates to so how can I tell which I'm supposed to delete and which I'm supposed to keep? When a reg cleaner scans and identifies "invalid" files, are these really truly unnecessary ones?

    I have seen a few ads on here and was considering buying Max Registry Cleaner and wonder if anyone knew it and would advise me.
    Actually any advice from anyone about reg cleaners would be greatly appreciated considering my lack of experience. In fact, any advice on whether this might even be the problem (or something else) would be also!

    Many thanks......Celine
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    ccleaner is usually good enough
  3. techbne

    techbne Guest

    I use Registry Mechanic from Bought it a number of times for various Customers. Never given a problem and always does the job.

    Hope that helps.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i use ccleaner on my systems & on my customers with no problem at all.

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