Hi everyone. Recently i got hold of 'Registry Mechanic'. I have just installed it and ran a scan. It found 1483 errors... Now my question is simple, to those who know this program, while a lot of these erros belong to stuff i deleted years ago(!), a lot of those 'errors' belong to programs that i still use very much... Is it still safe to delete the whole lot? Or should i go through 1 by 1? Thanks in advance ppl. Miggs.
its ok to just let reg mechanic fix it all, it makes a back up of everything so incase it deletes something you need itll restore it.
I had the same problem and now I am using Bigfix with good results the program is free from http://www.bigfix.com/ Good luck!
havent heard of bigfix, doubt its as good as regmechanic if thats what you are saying,no offence. http://registry-repair-software-review.toptenreviews.com/ theres good reviews there, regmechanic is 5th but i think its the best as its realy helped me.
I just click it and forget about it. Fix-It Utilties' registry fixer makes you go through each one. Life's too short.
I am not defending Bigfix at all but the program is free. If you guys know of any "freebie" that does the job by all means let us know. This is not a smart remark. Your advises are well taken.
well personaly i wouldnt trust a freebie with my registry unless its ccleaner, anyway im sure weve all got limewire or somthing similar so anythings a freebie if you understand what im trying to say. regmechanics great anyway and you all should go out and "buy" it.. cough cough download from limewire... the reason i wouldnt trust a freebie with my registry as jjssj downloaded one a while ago and it deleted ntldr, we couldnt even boot into windows or do hardly ANYTHING, in the end xp had to be reinstaled.
You're damn right Rav... Sometimes i hear people around here trying to throw sand on everyone's eyes, pi@@es me right off, if you know what i mean... Ran it a couple of times already, and i just let it work, like Ashroy said, life's too short... Miggs.
hey thats good that its working for you it realy is a great program, we all need programs like that and its just that somtimes you cant trust freebies, www.download.com has a fair selection of trials and free to use programs. i dont think you should get freebies that you havent heard of anywhere else,they can mess you up, ask jjssj...they can be hell!!! in a few clicks everything was lost..and p2p's are great, if you find a program you like on download.com then just go and "buy" the full version, basicaly i hate to rely on freebies but there are a handfull that are great such as ccleaner,avg free,zone alarm free,spybot,ms anti spyware,ewido,ad aware se and a few others, but i just cant say this enough remmeber not to rely on a strange freebie that is not very well known,they can be hell as i've seen.
I 'buy' all my software on p2p mate, without exception. Some of those freebes you mentioned like ccleaner, ad aware se and spybot are a must in anyones pc nowadays... Altough i'm having a lot of barney on some spyware i got a few days ago, i even got a thread here on AD about it... None of them is managing to clean it totally...
hey its good to hear that your with me on "buying" software off p2ps, ill check your spyware thread out.