hi can anyone help ive bought a universal remote control for my eurovox max ,does anyone have the code so i can programme the universal remote so it will operate my eurovox box. please help Ajones
Universal remotes are not "univeral". You need to provide the make/model of the universal remote before anyone can help you.
Whats the model #? It is highly likely that each of their universal remotes uses different settings. If there is no pre-programmed code you will need to use "learn mode" if it has one or try each of the cable box settings until you find one that works.
Without a model # I can't even tell you if your universal remote has a learn function (the cheap ones don't). I am guessiong that you have posted this because you lost the sheet or your device wasn't listed. If you lost the sheet, you need to ask the manufacturer whether or not there is a code for your device. If the code isn't listed on your sheet, you could try the 'learn" function. If your remote doesn't have a learn function you are SOL or have to go by trial and error. BTW, in order to use the "learn" function you have to have a working remote for your device available.
The advise is spot on but can I ask why you don't just buy another remote for your box? Eurovox Remotes They don't cost allot and will save you allot of hassle .