Could anyone please give me any free good remote desktops that I could use to access my home desktop while I am at work? I use a iMac at work but have a Dell at home (go figure) but I wanna be able to access my computer from home if need be or just to check some things out like if something finished downloading or moving a file I may need at home on my computer from anywhere I maybe. Its not that important that's why I dont wanna pay for anything but I have used orb and that was extremely slow.
Have you tried this: It is called logmein. As with any free remote application dont expect lightning speeds. But I have tried quite a few and from what it says on the tin it performs quite well. Good appy and free. Worth a try.
I have heard of logmein just never downloaded it and tried it yet. I will try that but doesnt XP PRO have some kind of remote desktop? I have ready alot of positive info about logmein though..Thanks
Also what about wireless, I know Macs have a program called eavesdrop, is there something like that on a PC that I could use to see whose doing what on my wireless network?