Can anyone please tell me how to remove macrovision from Apex AD-1110W DVD player? I connect it up through a VCR. Whenever I watch DVD the screen fades in and out a little bit. When I record DVDs, it turns red and back and it's annoying. Please help me!
....or - you can ask your questions on this forum and most certainly get an answer: This is the official forum for Apex users and it is quite an active board. I wish you well!
My Apex isn't AD-1100W. My Apex DVD model is AD-1110W. Please tell me how to either disable or remove macrovision from Apex AD-1110W DVD player. I would like it to be free. Thanks!
Look up macrovision remover on google. I don't have the exact address because I don't use one, I have a modchip for my dvd player. The remover will work for all dvd players with the right outputs.
go to DVP-S536D and it will give you info on different player hacks. go to nerd-out and you will find the 1110W may not have a hack for macrovision and CMGS removal Many APex have a hack but you need to check first. Many sampro have a hack..go to AREA 450 forum to find out about them. do some work