I have a video and it has english and some other language over it. How do I remove the non english one and keep only the english one? Thank you!
Many programs let you do that. Shrink's reauthor function is nice, but then you may not be able to keep the menu. Nero Recode is another good choice, and there are also DVD Fab, Magic DVD Ripper .......
none of them work as I am using an avi file not dvd format. Also the only one thatd oes is nero recod but it didnt remove the non english audio. Not sure how to remove it anyhow. Is there a tuturiol out there to help?
i think i know what you mean by 2 streams. What I hear like in the backround is the english and over the english is some non english audio. Like me speaking english on tape and someone in front of me speaking say spanish over me. However yu can hear both at the same time.
You can open your avi e.g by virtualdubmod and make selection for video "direct stream copy". You can disable unwanted audio in Stream/Stream_list by clicking "disable" button for unwanted one. Then you can save that with another name.
I am having the same problem. I have anime that is in ogm file format. It has the option for English and Jap. Jap is its main audio channel, so if I convert it, it will automatically be Jap. I want to delete the jap and keep the english. Virtualdubmod it TOO slow for me, and I need to convert 70 anime files. Is there any program that can do this but faster?
You could use ogmdemuxer to batch demux the video and audio/subtitle streams. Could also use mkvmerge to remux the video and one audio stream to mkv. Probably also a commandline ogm muxer that accepts ogm as input, but I haven't used ogm as a container in ages so I wouldn't know.
when i go into streamlist mode, I only see one stream and when I disable, and sav, no sound. When its enable and saved, both sounds. Is this cause the english and non english is one sound together? If so, how do I split them into 2? Thank you all fo the recomendations of the softwares!
You have the nicam-avi LOL All I can advice is to extract the audio off the avi, study one a little bit eg with audacity (freeware, very handy program) and, if needed, remove either left or right channel and finally copy remaining channel to another one. Then put the edited stream back to avi. Quite workful operation... Program can be downloaded from http://www.afterdawn.com/software/audio_software/audio_tools/audacity.cfm
pelttu you handy son of a gun. You shoud get paid for this, however dont hold me to that I'll try it now!
unfortunatly it aint working. I tried erasing the top, nothing. I tried erasing the bottom, nothing . I tried Mono it, nothing, I tried splitting the already split sides, nothing. I think im just screwed thanks anways, I'll keep trying other ways/software, if i find any!
Well as I asked originally: Are there two seperate streams? Different language in each channel? Or is it all mixed? So that's a negative on the two seperate streams and now a negetive on the seperate channels. Which just leaves mixed. Basically there isn't anything that you can do.
ya I figured. Thanks for the help everyone. Now I know for future reference how to remove audio stuff. Great resource! Thank You all!
while on the topic (and also i dont want to create a new topic), does anyone know how to remove audio from a specific channel. The video i have has chinese audio on one side and english audio on the other. Is it possible for me to remove the chinese audio?
sounds like its a vcd. you need an audio editor, don't know any particular one. now you'll get mono audio. well its not even stereo to begin with.
I have a similar problem, no doubt discussed before somewhere. Basically I'm trying to take an Xvid encoded Avi with ac3 audio and demux the audio so I can re-encode it to mp3 and then mux the lot back together again, the purpose being to create a 2 channel vbr mp3 with louder sound. I've tried creating the audio from the extracted 6 ch ac3 using besweet(lame)/hybridgain, with compress dynamic range and lame set to standard, but the resultant audio is awful - getting the video on its own aint a problem though, thanks to Vdub. If there was a way to even boost the gain on the ac3 audio I'd be happy'ish with that.
O.K I sorted My own probs out here it is: Virtualdubmod Nandub Bespliced Besweet Lame Demuxed video from Vdub(directstream copy) using Doom9.orgs virtualdub proceedures guide, without audio(thanks to pelttu's advice above) then extracted the ac3 6 ch audio using Nandub and drag/dropped it into bespliced to fix the wav header problem giving me my proper ac3. Took that and ran it through besweet/lame vbr mp3 standard/compress dynamic range. That gave me the mp3 I needed, then I just followed Doom9's vdub guide to mux the avi/mp3 - shoulda kept my "mouth" shut lol....there fixed my low ac3 sound problem and reinvented the wheel.