Can this be acheived or does it work. As you can see from the screenshot there is an option but does this work. Anyone used it before. PLease respond. Help is appreciated.
Hey weazel200, That should work, for cd protection. My advice would be to just test it out to make sure. That is all you can do to see, if it doesn't help, there are a slew of programs here on aD (AfterDawn) to help you out!
I tried it. The good news is that the PC recognised one of my copy protectd albums as an audio cd rather than a data cd. Bad news is won't play properly and can't rip using EAC with Lame. I need to know how to rip this cd to 265kBit/s VBR MP3 as it is bugging me. I have tried several methods without luck. Any help appreciated.
hey guys, I honestly don't have any experience with AnyDVD, so I don't know what their copy protection remover is capable of. Have you tried the guide here for ripping protected CDs? There are several different types of copyrighted CDs, so there are different methods as well.
I have read the "How to handle damage audio cd's but hasn't helped" Can u suggest another thread or any answers to this problem.
I've heard about this method:,1282,52665,00.html Using tape or a sharpie to cover up the protected areas so it can be ripped, but I've never tried it. Have you tried other rippers, like CDex or Audio Grabber?
I honestly dont want to try this method and have the risk of ruining my only copy of the cd. There must be another way to get round this damn protection crap.
You wont mess-up the CD if you use black-electrical tape. If your really concerned I would create a copy of the disc image then burn that image to a CD-R. The CD-R will still be copy protected but you can take a chance on using the sharpie or tape method on a CD-R right? Ced
Is it really that hard to break the copy protection on that cd. I would have thought it would be easy with the programs out.
I aways copy my cd's using Nero w/o having AnyDVD run. I thought this was odd since Nero clearly slows that the CD is copy right protected but it keeps on going and copies great. I haven't read any of the guides but if you have Nero try it. I just use Express and do a copy to copy. Even the newer ones copy.
I don't want to copy the cd I want to extraxt the files to mp3 format using EAC and Lame. If I did copy it to a blank cd how would I be able to colour round the edges with a black felt tip as I use Imation cd-r's and there is no visible edge. I tried making an image file but that didn't work either. I could try again. I'm running out of ideas on how to crack the copy protection for this cd.