yes i know im a newb i would like to ask how it is possible to remove extras from a dvd so CloneDVD2 doesnt have to reduce the video quality.. i have used the sites guide on copying a DVD to a DVD-R but it doesnt say anything about how to remove extras so quality isnt reduced... could someone tell me how to do it step by step like that GREAT guide on the site? thanks in advance
Hi AntonisCy, welcome to AD. If you want to remove extras for better picture quality then I would reccomend that you ditch CloneDVD2 and download DVD Shrink (its free!!!) from here: Then open the program, load the disc then go into re-author mode (top right hand side). then on the right you'll see the main movie. drag and drop that to the left hand side and go up to the top and click "backup". then make sure all the settings are correct and back the disc up. voila. no extras. better picture. and its free. good luck and let us know how u get on.
aldav45, it it possible that while i get rid of some things like trailers and other extras, i can still keep the menu and most importantly, the subtitles? thanks
In order to keep functional menus I'd suggest checking out DVD Stripper. It's a very slick little app that I use quite a bit. Here's a link to get you started and be sure to check out the FAQ thread
An excellent alternative to DVDstripper is DVDremake but it has far more advanced features. It is a cinch to remove extras, foreign language menu's, delete unwanted menu buttons etc etc. It is not freeware though. You can read all about it here :- There is a trial to play with but it does not allow you to export any modified titles.
Another app to try if you don't need to remove any menus is VobBlanker. It's particularly useful if the disc has both 16:9 and 4:3 versions of the movie. Just blank the version you don't want and you're done. For removing menus I use DVD Stripper, but DVD Remake is supposed to be the best (most powerful) software for this. Unfortunately Remake costs $30 and I'm a cheap bastard so I still haven't decided to buy it yet.
if i was you antony, use the latest dvd shrink version, and under the "Re-Author" option, re-reauthor the movie. keep the basic movie, ditch the foreign subtitles, directors commentery, you name it.. i just keep the main movie for less compression results youll be amaze of the results this freeware program produces.
Hi AntonisCy, If you already own CloneDVD2, you own one of the better dvd backup programs on the market. While DVDShrink is probably the best Free one, I only use CloneDVD for my backups. It will let you edit out the junk and still keep the menu active. Back to your 1st post, to edit, let Clone open the DVD movie. You will have the preview window on the left and the movie sections in lines on the right with a checkmark in the box of each line in front. As you click on each line the preview will play of that line. If you don't want it to copy, uncheck the box in front then go to the next line. When done click next and you get the audio sections with a similar setup. If you don't want Spanish language, uncheck it. That about it for the edit process. As you uncheck items the bar graph at the bottom will show the percent of quality increase. very simple to use and the menu will work. If you delete something the menu is suppose to point to and you click that item in the menu, it will just blink out for a second and then return to the menu letting you know its missing. Hope this helps. I think its $40. well spent. As you probably already know you must run a decrypter like AnyDVD or DVD43 behind Clone to work. Good luck. Jerry