Okay, I've read alot and I've tried alot of programs but they all suck when it comes to removing the voice out of a songa nd leaving the instrument. I don't know if anyone here knows of a program i haven't tried r one that they know works. I mainly want this because I work at a high school and when they have dances they need some of the swear words taken out of songs. I don't know maybe there is some kind of DirectX effect or VST filter or something that I could use with WavePad? So if anyone knows of a software program to do this it would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
I've used Adobe Auditions to blank out some of the swear words on the cd for my old band when we needed radio versions. I'd usually just go in and highlight the smallest amount of the wave possible to eliminate anything offensive and use the reverse filter to give it that garbled, radio-edit style censor. You could try that. As far as removing the vocal tracks out of music...you would, for the most part, have to have the original masters to do that effectively.