I'm trying to create a M2V file from the below movie.cffl file CFFL c:\the_matrix\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_0.VOB c:\the_matrix\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.VOB The first VOB is 50M, the 2nd 1G. REMPEG2 reads the text file and creates a cff.vinf work version. When I ENCODE the file at 75% compression, it only muxes the first VOB producing a 36M file. It doesn't add the 2nd VOB. It's not treating the text file as a file list. I am running 1.52 REMPEG2 version (and have tried earlier versions). My system is an AMD 2000+ running XP Profesional. Has anyone else come across this problem? Is it specific to XP ot the processor? Help...
first of all make your own folder one called original and the other called video_ts when you decrypted with dvd dycrepter select the folder original open the file and see how many vobs you have if you have 4 then you sample cffl file shoul look exactly like the vobe in you ripped file exaple cffl c:\original\video_ts_02_1.vob c:\original\video_ts_02_2.vob c:\original\video_ts_02_3.vob c:\original\video_ts_02_4.vob ok try this