I've searched this forum and doom9, and maybe this is TOO simple...trying to put Pearl Harbor on 1 dvd5, I've ripped both discs with dvd dycrpter (windows 98 - can't use S.R.) and I have them in 2 seperate folders. Now I believe that I can renumber the VOB's, run them through vobedit and join the clips, then ifoedit to renavigate, and finally finish with DVD2ONE (Awesome software!)...but how to renumber properly? I've got disc 1: VTS_07_01.VOB TO VTS_07_08.VOB Disc 2 is VTS_08_01.VOB TO VTS_08_04.VOB Can I renumber all 12 VOB's to: VTS_01_001.VOB VTS_01_002.VOB VTS_01_003.VOB TO FINALLY... VTS_01_012.VOB ? ? I've seen suggestions to this process, but no one has spelled out the renumbering process. TIA! Wangofree