Repair Softmods with additional Chipped Xbox (help!)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by devilotx, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. devilotx

    devilotx Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Accidentally posted this in the wrong forum so I'll post this here in the correct forum I believe.

    I'm posting here, because I need some serious help

    I've got no less then 4 Dead Xbox's due to error 16 on softmods (with no Eeproms), I tried the hotswap more times then I choose to admit, to no luck.

    I broke down and purchased a second hand pre-modded xbox in the hopes that I could use it to restore the dead Xbox's I have kicking around (hope to use them as Media Centers)

    Unfortunatly I know nothing of the modchip in my New (to me) Xbox, the only thing I know is there is a series of lights and switches on it, 1 that has chip on and off, one that switches banks and 1 that appears to switch the LED's

    I've tried the following:

    CB - Chipped Xbox
    SB - Softmodded Xbox

    I used a Molex Y cable to connect the power from the CB to both hard drives

    Powered the CB with it's hard drive in, booting to Slayers 2.6, moved IDE ribbon from the CB drive to the SB drive, use unlock on slayers to unlock and then restore RETAIL xbox software, relock drive. Drive does not boot in SB xbox. (gives error 16 or 21)

    I've tried unlocking the SB drive in the CB with Slayers, then switching IDE ribbons to the PC and using the Xbox Linux HD restore CD, but it doesn't seem to work (I will keep trying this)

    I've also tried cursing quite loudly, but that doesn't appear to be working either...

    So what I need to know is this:

    is this possible? I don't think I Can move the Chip from box to box (I bought a pre-modded because I cannot solder and suck at things of that nature.

    Also on an advanced note, I hope to be able to use this Chipped Xbox to rebuilt/restore larger hard drives for use in the now Dead Softmodded Xboxes and distribute them to my family.

    Any assistance/guidance/guides you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    thank you,
  2. devilotx

    devilotx Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    if needed I can take photos of the switches, it may help ID the modchip that is installed.

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