My sub for mcafee was up today. Acording to Niobis and others AVG was a good choice. Ill run it in free mode for a short time then buy a sub for it. Mcafee is in a world of hurt and it conflicts with many programs. The GUI was designed by a bunch of monkeys and their real world test program or lack of was a disater at best. Their updated riquired you uninstall and reinstall to get it to work in many cases. Visiting their forum was painfull at best. I just finished my first scan with the new AV and it worked like a swiss watch, No problems found. Ill get back in the antivirus game soon as im able to. Cancer has a nasty way to slow you down. Trust me you don't want to know what in doing right now. But I don't have aids lol And the new AV is working well If I was in the UK it would be fish and chips I see a couple of woppers extra onion and pickle im my life along with a large fry, and a half bottle of ketchup. What's the worst it can do kill me, thats a joke.
hello hope your feeling ok my partner just got over non hodgkins lymphoma and cancer seems to plague my family lost my sister to it almost 10 years ago anyway at they have a list of helpful freeware once you get to the main page on the right sidebar their is a link to top freeware check it out by the way i use avg free have for years good luck