im goin to put my friends original hard drive into my hard-mod xbox. i have ervery thing backed up that was on my original hard drive(eeprom,ms dash,unleash dash).so this should work when i swap them right? can someone tell me if this would work before i do it so i dont wast my time.
unless his drive is unlocked already no, it would need to be unlocked in his box (with his EEPROM) or via XBOXHDM with his EEPROM. kc
his drive is locked and has never been unlocked. is that ok? will it still work if i put it in my xbox?
why would i need to unlock his drive? could i still use his original ms dash and forget about installing other dashes, xbmp etc? or would my xbox just give me a hard drive error (7,8 or 9)
his drive is locked with his EEPROM (the key to the lock) and your box wont use the drive at all untile you unlock it with his key. kc