replay lite

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by davyo6, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. davyo6

    davyo6 Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    can anyone help me i cannot get my computer to connect to my box got all the right leads but wont let me connect says com port error can i get 752 on a cd thanks
  2. BRIAN1956

    BRIAN1956 Regular member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Hi davyo6,

    Go to the link below and download the files.

    Go to the replay folder.

    In Documentation folder you will find,

    Flashing the replay lite PDF.

    This is a guide that will show you how to update your replay lite.
    It's a very useful guide and easy to follow.

    In the firmware folder you will find the files used to update your box.

    752 UK,
    752 IRL,

    This is the firmware that has to be transfered to the box via your PC.

    In the software folder you will find,

    Stblink5.20, the file used to transfer the firmware from your PC to your box.

    With regards to your conection error,

    Are you sure it's a null modem lead part number L71BT.
    Was the box switched on, green light.
    Go to my computer on your desktopa and right click on it and go to Properties.....Hardware.....Device manager....Ports...Communications Port is probably...COM 1, Right click on it and make sure it's enabled.

    If it's still giving you problems, connect the null modem cable to the box and your PC. Switch off/on your PC and try again.

    If you get it working and start to upgrade your box, when you see the blocks being transferred, you might se error0, IGNORE THIS, the file will transfer ok.

    The most important of the flashing/upgrading process the timing.
    When you can visibly see the blocks transfering from your PC to the box, the red/green light wil flash slowly, When your PC reads transfer complete the light will still be flashing slowly. WAIT for the red/green to flash much more quickly than it did when you could visibly see the blocks transferring. It is usually about 2 minutes after your PC reads transfer complete.

    More help can be found at the offical replay lite forum at the link below and if I am not around someone else will you, they are a great bunch.

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