RePlay TV Unit *without* subscription???

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by garyde, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. garyde

    garyde Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    This is probably a stupid question but...

    Sometime back I bought a ReplayTV unit after seeing it on TechTV. The people on TechTV were talking mostly about all the technical features of the unit like being able to rewind, stop, pause etc Live TV.

    I was so impressed I ordered one without doing the research I should have. After about a week of use it no longer let me do anything and said I needed a subcription. I couldn't even play back shows I already recorded. Since I only have regular TV via an antenna, I couldn't see paying for a subscription. I initially thought the subscription was optional. When you only get about 10 channels you really don't need an onscreen guide.

    As a disabled person I sleep strange hours and had planned on using it to record the few shows I watch on a daily basis. So I wouldn't miss them if I was asleep or not feeling good.

    Does anyone know how to use this device without a subscription? I don't have cable or satellite and just want to record a few repeating shows during the week. Any help appreciated. gary
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Dude I think your S@*T out of luck

    how long have you had it? most will let you return products within 30 days.

    Myself I got tired of my Cable provider to get DVR installed and wasnt going to pay Tivo the subscription fee so I put in a capture card cost me only 80 bucks and hooked up my computer and my cable with a PVR system. Works great.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2005
  3. garyde

    garyde Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    I had the Replay unit for several months before I even opened it. Didn't pay that much for it so if I can't find a way to get it working I'll tear it apart and salvage the hard drive. The TV card sounds like a better idea.
  4. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    how old is your replay? I have the original, old school replay 2000 from 1999 I think, at it still works great. Popped in a 120 gig drive with no problems. Didn't pay for subscription back then, and it still works now. If you don't want to pay, try selling it on ebay and buying an old used one.
  5. VideoBob

    VideoBob Regular member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I have bougt several PVRs on eBay lately. I did a lot of research last fall and bought a Panasonic DMR-85H as the pick of the litter. I've used it constantly since Thanksgiving and wouldn't be without it. It uses the free version of Guide+ and my only complaints are:

    1. It has to be turned off to load Guide+

    2. My rinky-dink cable provider doesn't refresh a whole week every night, so when it's recording overnight movies, I lose a day or two's guide--which may or may not get loaded before those days show up because....

    3. The free Guide+ only covers one week.

    One of my recent purchases is an upgradable Panasonic Showstopper 1000 (Replay 2000) which includes the free Replay guide--which I find superior to the Gemstar TV Guide+ in almost every way: Two weeks programming, fast update-on-demand, Searchable keywords, "Theme" recording.

    I also have an RCA DRS-7000 that uses an older version of Guide+ (with the same limitations), a new Replay 5500 (still in the box, beause it needs a subscription), and a pair of Sony SVR-2000's that I simply have not had time to hook up yet.

    The Replay 1000, 2000, 3000, and *some* of the 40xx and 50xx series all have free guides. The 45xx and 55xx do *not* and, as near as I can tell, won't work without them. That's one of the things I hope to crack when I have time.


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