Hi folks, I have a few questions... I am needing the software that the replay lite boxes use and I need to know how to upload the software to the box? The software I am looking for is the one that you need to put on it to get it to work... At the moment I have a completely blank box or so I am told. Cheers is advance. Aaron
Connect the replay to PC with NULL MODEM cable (not serial cable, ,run STBLINK prog, switch on box, click on UPGRADE SOFTWARE, choose upgrade file, sorted.
Where is STBLIBK prog? When you say switch on the box should it be on standby? Where is upgrade software and do I click from my computer? Also where can I get a A NULL MODEM cable and why not a serial? Cheers Aaron
The files you need are there once you unrar (extract) the file!! Get a null modem cable here: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=97740&criteria=null modem&doy=2m2 Or here: http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=null+modem http://www.rarlabs.com/rar/wrar37b3.exe
Hi mate how did you get on with your re set i have a problemwith myne replay lite lost all my programs and can only get the standard ones bak can yoy let me know where to go from hear please
Hi mate an you le me know how you got on i have lost all my chanels and finding it hard to get any wherewith this .Thanks Tony