I have downloaded Mac the ripper and popcorn, I have toast as well if needed. Well the problem is I'll run MTR on a dvd then pop it in popcorn then at the last either 15 or 8 minutes of burn process I get a message saying The drive reported an error: Sense Key = HARDWARE ERROR Sense Code = 0x03, 0x01 Sense Key = Illegal Request Sense Code = 0x30, 0x05 So tell me if this is possible or if I bought the wrong programs? I really need this my kids are completely ruining my dvd collection as well as they're own always carrying just the disc running up saying can we watch this can we watch this please. I'm pretty sure the parents out there understand?!.
I've never had a problem with popcorn, so I can't help you with the error messages. But there's other methods you can use for a temporary fix. First, if you rip just the main feature with MTR it will drastically cut the video size, usually between 3.5 and 6 gigs. So you may not need to compress, i.e. just use toast. Also, make sure you're only selecting the bare minimum of what you need in MTR. Some dvds have 2 or 3 audio streams in different languages, etc. Second, if that doesn't work, dvd2oneX works very well for compression. It's not that expensive, either. Hope this helps.
Dvd2onex is like $60+ but I will try to use the toast I'll get back to you soon, but if anyone out there can tell me how to use popcorn correctly let me know cause I've already paid for that.
cosign SATAN528. I'd like a tute on what i'm doing wrong with Popcorn too. Not gettin' errors, just not gettin' a movie DVD out of it.
hardware error would point to drivers likely. -what is the brand of cutter you have. -what do you use to cut to your cutter when NOT using popcorn. example do you succesfully use Toast - but not popcorn. -what speed are you cutting at -what type of media are you using - example - standard grade - premium grade or pro grade. If you don't know - go to http://www.meritline.com/dvd-r-blank-media-1.html and the guide will tell you. all these things can be a cause - even something as simple as your cutter being USB 1.0 and your media being 8x - sometimes on certain firmware - the cutter will try to cut faster than the I/O channel can handle. usually a good check is to try and cut at 1x and see if it works although painful. speeds for cutting can be preset under the Recording menu at recorder settings. change it from BEST to the setting of choice (be conservative) and see your results. Pick as little data as possible so that compression is quick and you get to the cutting part ASAP. As you may know by now - some DVD's are already less than 4.4GB and don't require any compression. Popcorn is silly enough however to still process it with zero compression and then cut to disk. this is your FASTEST trip to a solution. also you may want to download roxio toast demo and see if you can cut using it. you may want to check your DVD cutter firmware as well. TK
Your a genius I updated my firmware to my dvd burner and upgraded it to be region free at the same time works flawlessly now. If anyone else had this problem please check out this website it has firmware for everything related. http://forum.rpc1.org/index.php Thank you so much for your time THEKROON I appreciate it.
small beware on the region free firmware's Many versions of region free firmware ALSO cause your media cutting speeds to change. As yet another hack - the new firmwares tell your dvd player to STOP paying attention to the predefined limits that are embedded in your media types. So potentially and lethally - 4x media will try to cut at 12x if you have a cutter that fast. The cutting may actually finish but when its time to play - you got the stutters big time depending on grade of media. that's the only drawback I know of regarding firmware from the website you noted. so if you leave popcorn set to BEST - it will try MAX speed of the drive no matter what grade, speed or quality of media you insert. You could put 1x media in and it would try the maximum cutting speed.