Please can anybody help. Recently got hold of the above and, unable to do a factory reset - when going into main menu - just a box appears and says " Password " which I believed is (zeros) however when I get to the fourth the whole line is deleted and back to start of password ?? this has never been deleted or renewed ?!!!! can ne one suggest any help , can I link 1 box to it and upload n e thing or is there a flash file to reset all back to factory ???? Please help. Cheers
try 2004, or i think its 1968 or 1698.... they are the master passwords. Try them out if you cant get it working just post back. Or check out ...For fekkers help on starviews
I have only just registered to this site yesterday (05/03/07) and may I say what good help the members have given and a well fast response! . I am at work at the moment, so will try that code when I get home later.... Much appreciated :0)
ok let us know how you get on, if you need anymore help just drop by our forums at