I was just wondering if restart and reboot are like the same. Do u need a particular cd to reboot your computer? Or you can just find it in your desktop? Help pls..
"Re-start and re-boot" are terms meaning to reset the computer, Simply turning the computer off and the on again is a re-boot. What I think you are asking is for a re-format, Which is re-installing the operating system (Windows), From the ground up, (Deleting all the files currently on the computer.) To re-format or re-install your computer you will need a windows setup disk and a vaild serial key. You can then install a fresh copy of windows using the windows setup disk. (With a valid key of course). Cheers!
kk, thanks a lot! I thought you need a cd to reboot cuz someone told me that you need one.(darn him) lol, so basically they're the same..
Hey all just seeing if anyone replies in here lol My PC keeps restarting while windows is loading up on the desktop anyideas? I get a error message saying av51t.sys file ended unexpectedly contact system administrator
No never did anything to this i am running Windows XP Pro KN1 Xtreme Motherboard AMD Anthlon 64bit 3.5ghz Processor 1 gig DDR 128bit dual channel RAM Radeon 256 x800 160gig HDD Maxtor s ATA Says it has unloaded unexpectedly
Wheeeeee, so many options! Repeatedly press f8 while booting until you get the boot menu, assuming you can get that far. Reboot in safe mode If you actually reboot, you know it's software. If you don't, it's hardware. Get to this stage and report back, we'll help you from here. Also, listen for the beeps while rebooting, and tell us what you hear. I'd say, in order, your most likely issues are: cooked ram chip cooked video ram chip corrupted boot/startup file cooked power supply corrupted bios Although..."unloaded unexpectedly" makes me think more bios corruption or corrupted startup file. Good luck!
I think it maybe a driver issue as it is the file av51t.sys that unloads . Sometimes it will startup ok and most of the time it wont tried to replace the file but searched my system for this file and it cant find it. Searched google and its never heard of av51t.sys.
probably something corrupted that file. Actually doesn't XP have some type of protection to prevent .sys files from being modified (I could be wrong as I do not use XP too much)?? Maybe you have a virus or a conflict. If you can't fix it, re-install windows. I had a similar problem and reinstalling solved it. I thought it was my PSU, but it was probably some type of system conflict or corrupt file (I did not get warnings though).
I thought XP have a file protection but i ran SFC/scannow and didnt help at all!! Reinstalled windows and all seems ok. Thanx for the help
Will all the old files (e.g., docs, jpegs, mp3s) get deleted if i reinstall windows xp pro in my pc? my pc keeps on restarting. it wont start if set on SAFE MODE. And how will i reinstall windows xp from SET-UP MODE?
Yup, you'll lose everything. You can try the "fix" option...but..it won't work. If you need to reinstall but you don't want to lose your files, do a search for Mepis, Linspire, or Ubuntu. They are linux distributions that boot from CD into ram, and they let you get to your files, burn, etc, very intuitively w/o knowing much about linux. Good Luck!