restore problem

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by boongoon, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. boongoon

    boongoon Guest

    the power went out and since then the viao has been running slower and can't read D: drive. I partitioned the hard drive a long time ago to run faster and now it says it needs to be formated. My Computer shows that it exists but won't open it. I have tried restoring to a previous date but it won't let me--- D: drive was cut off etc. I also have had a continual message from pc-cillan about a virus PE_ZMORPH.Ax. Any help removing it would be appreciated.
  2. SparkeyNi

    SparkeyNi Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    if your system restore is enabled it has more than likely already made a back up including infected files try disabling it and running pc-cillan again and see if that helps.
  3. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    McAfee Library gives the instructions to remove your virus ~~

    See it there:-

  4. boongoon

    boongoon Guest

    thanks...i will try it and get back. if this works, then will restoring to a previous date prior to the virus also correct the problem of D: drive failing to read. It currently says that it needs to be formated. If removing the virus works, will a new system restore bring back D: drive and all that is saved on it?
  5. boongoon

    boongoon Guest

    Well, let's just say that the old viao is now completely fubar. I tried what you said...cut off system restore, run pc-cillan. It found no virus but tried to update itself and now will not work at all. And the warning message that popped up said that I now have a trojan on board. If that wasn't all, since cutting off system restore I have now lost all my previous restore points and there is nothing to go back to. So the machine still doesn't run properly, D: isn't recognized but is labeled everywhere, and I am worse off now than before. I have no clue where to go now. Don't even know if Norton's disk doctor can fix anything. Must be time for a complete system recovery, but alas, I can't find my disks.
  6. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Perhaps a total clean install is what you need ~~ May i suggest you use AVG Antivirus in the future -- it is available on the web at :-

    From what i read at the McAfee site on the virus PE_ZMORPH.Ax -- that seems to be exactely what it does to a PC -- trash out while spreading !

    I dont think you can salvage it now that you have been infected to that extent.
  7. boongoon

    boongoon Guest

    Ok, i downloaded the anti-virus program that was suggested. Ran the test, found the viruses but it says that i must run ACG for Windows. Went back to the site but can't find it. Downloaded updates but nothing more happens. I am about ready to throw the desktop out the window. And it continues to seem as if it is running slower and slower.
  8. CJC

    CJC Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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  9. SparkeyNi

    SparkeyNi Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Came across some posts in another forum seems some other folk had a similar problem. One guy remedied it by:
    Hope this helps this time if not you might need to find those disks and take jeanc1 advice.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2004

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