i am vishal from sukhpar kutch. i have a nokia 3220 orange . i want restriction code for that. please send me. my ime no is: 357962004591475 my email id is vinod.lover@yahoo.com yours faithfully.. vishal
First you must remove your Email address. Second, I need to know the Country the phone came from. The phone is not from India. Did the phone come from England? Please supply ALL this information in this format: Type in these numbers or look under the battery to get the information. IMEI:Type (dial) *#06# , Firmware Version:Type (dial) *#0000# . Nokia: (Model) IMEI:############### (No spaces, no slashes) Network: (The Network the phone is locked to) Country: (The Country the above Network is in) Also any codes tried AND how many tries you have made. JG
format:[/b] Type in these numbers or look under the battery to get the information. IMEI:Type (dial) *#06# , Firmware Version:Type (dial) *#0000# . Nokia: (Model) IMEI 357962/00/459147/5 Network: (orange) Country: (made in germny) Also any codes tried AND how many tries you have made. JG[/quote]
Nokia: (Model) IMEI:############### (No spaces, no slashes) Network: (The Network the phone is locked to) Country: (The Country the above Network is in) What Country the phone was working in. Where did you buy it?