I am playing the dvds on a multiformat playerand haven't had any problems until now ( second back up dvd) I have uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled, rebooted,DVD Shrink, and after I dvd decrypt - file - and save to a folder... run DVD Shrink - back up it starts backing up but continues to flash the PG rating over...and over again.... I did everything you have recommended... installing new apsi... uninstalling all other burning software... turning everything off in the back round (msconfig) reboot... but it still won't work...thanks, from a newbie who needs help!
you don't have to decrypt, then use dvd shrink. Dvd shrink can rip and compress at the same time. I don't know if this will solve your problem though.
slow45 Using DVD Decrypter to rip and then using DVD Shrink to transcode the ripped file won't hurt anything. However DVD Shrink can rip for itself. So your process wastes some time. Shouldn't cause a problem though.
thanks Bro and Sly. I defraged the drive I use for video temp storage, using only dvd shrink, I let the proccess continue all the way though the flashing PG review (green screen) and after a few minutes everything continued as normal. It was suggested that I defrag, have only one burning software on my system, and shut everything down in the backround. I was concerned because when I checked the vedio temp file, it played all chopped up...like it wasn't decoding...But all is fine now thanks
slow45 Glad you're off and running. Looking at files can sometimes fool a person and quality can depend on the viewer being used. I ran into a similar problem of checking some files and ended up trashing a viewer and going to another. Good luck