Ok so one of my friends has an older model xbox built in 2002 now its giving him the 16 error code which of course means dashboard difficulty. Now I just want to replace the dash with mine so that in theory should solve his xbox dilemma. Now if everyone agrees with me on this.......i know theres a way to actually turn on the box and then run an app that allows me to disconnect my dvd drive from the ide cable and connect the older broken hd to my own box from there i can just copy the new dash on to it and problem fixed......now i do have a softmodded box with a 250gb hd so if anyone has any idea on how this can be achieved please dont hesitate to answer.
well when i screwed up mine, luckilt, i made a backup of my drives when it was working because i was going to do a HDD upgrade, then I did the HDD upgrade, and it worked fine, so I would imagine that if you had a backup of your eeprom on your comp, then you could just reformat the HDD with xboxhdm and get it working again. but correct me if I'm wrong because i never tried it.
yea its good plan but the thing is see its my friend's, friend's xbox so yea no dice man.......the only other thing is use this unlocker wizard but the thing is it deletes all the data on the hd.
if you can boot games and there is a softmod on it, i would try to load up the game with the softmod and connect via PC and backup the game saves, then you could just replace them after you run the program.