I am not one to push my politics on anyone, so i am just going to rant. I was driving around this afternoon and when I got to a stoplight where I noticed about 50 people standing by the side of the road. I thought that maybe it was some fundraiser car wash that was going on until I got close enough to see what was written on the signs. It was another pro-life picket. why is it that these pro-lifers insist on standing in your way to let you know what their POV is? Obviously I am not a Pro-lifer, but do you see me standing out on street corners holding up signs stating women have the right to choose? NO! I do not stand out and say "kill your unborn children if you feel like it". What is it about these people that makes them think that holding up a 5' X 5' picture of an aborted fetus is okay? I have seen that before, its disgusting. Do people who are against the death penalty hold up pictures of inmates that have been fried? didn't think so. How about all the child abuse that occurs when these people who should have had abortions don't have them? I would rather have a fetuses life ended before it's anywhere close to being a fully functioning child, able to function independently from its mother (having basic organs like lungs, fully developed heart, a brain, etc.) and before it can even form a basic thought. Seeing a child go through the torture of abuse after these scum bags get a hold of them is not a pretty site. Some children are even commit suicide or are murdered because of these abusers. Also, not to sound callous, but I don't like to spend my tax dollars to feed children because their parents would rather stay at home and do "it" all day, producing more unwanted children, only to gain more subsidized income (get more welfare) instead of getting jobs. Instead of picketing abortion clinics, these morons should picket the state officials who have not made the medical industry provide free birth control for everyone. I suppose that is due to the fact that most of these idiots are catholics and don't believe in birth control. I'll save the religion rant for another day. Almost forgot to mention the extremists who go out and murder the doctors who preform abortions. As you know there are not many of them, but they are still out there. Are they justified in murdering to "save" Undeveloped, or at best, extremely basic life forms? (that is essentially what fetuses are when they are aborted) Please, Debate this if you like, and don't just reply with some moronic comment about me being wrong. Back up your statements.
All I have to say is just as it is a mothers right to abort a baby in some states. It is the right for pro-lifers to picket and show they disapprove of it. Are they forcing you to sit and watch them picket? Are they forcing a sign in your hand and making you march with them? There will always be a debate between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life till the end of time. The great thing about countries of freedom is that we can debate it. As always in any case you will have extremist that go beyond what there rights are and most are held accountable when they do.
@The_Fiend No where in the forum rules does it say anything about having a debate or stating opinions. I have not violated any forum rules, so if they close the thread, it will be because a moderator doesn't like what I have said.
You know, I thought that, as a 39 year old man, I knew about the birds and the bees but, in my very first week as a social worker back in 1991, I discoverd that some nine year old girls can get pregnant but it's usually by their fathers, brothers and rape, not consent and that there own death is often likely if they carry to term. My opinion on abortion changed that day. In social issues such as abortion, homosexuality, stem cell research etc, a person's ethical or political position can change from the idiological to the practical when the subject hits home.
@ the poster : since this would amount to a political debate, it's against the forum rules, i suggest you read the stickies in the safety valve about it. That said, i will add that i agree with your stance on this, and would love to debate this, but sadly, this kind of thing always ends up in a big mess on these forums, hence me reporting it.
i just want to walk around these people with a sign saying, "i hope the baby you save turns out gay!" they have a right to protest, as i have a right to protest their protest.
@the_fiend Didn't see the work politics or debate anywhere in the forum rules. Maybe you can copy/paste it on your next post with the link as well. Forum Rules: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
@ballphyon....The_fiend is referring to this: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/379741 @the _Fiend....yes, I know you're right but I couldn't resist. You see, the one who always starts the flaming in the first place always manages a good long sermon before he gets his singular opinion voiced big time before getting the thread closed after his speech. It makes one want equal time.
I know exactly who and what you mean gerry @ Ballpyhon : it was added recently after a number of political debates ended in disaster due to a certain member of our forums.
don't lose hope; there may be a time, somewhere in the distant future, where perhaps we can discuss politics again...when everyone can have a calm, rational discussion and whatnot. until then, those of us that maintain the ability to have a courteous debate will just have to remain on #ad_buddies. and not mention it around here