Hi Guys, I know this will upset some of you but I am going to ask what to you might be the obvious...I am a commplete novice when it comes to rip and burn movies..I see there are a few ways of doing this. I would like a very simple system in layman terms. I have downloaded all sorts of programmes and I cant get any to work. they all seem to do the job, but all end in failure...and maybe I have the wrong blank disks...Perhaps someone would be kind enough to advise me as to what programmes I need for this... Regards.
Hi bribiec Check out these guides and faq's - bbmayo link. Didn't say which programs you have tried or errors you get but these guides & faq's should get you going in the right direction. Still having problems after reviewing - then just post back what movie is giving you a problem, error and what program(s) you tried along with the brand of discs you're using. edit: spelling
1)You need to know what size the original dvd that you are ripping. There's the most common Dvd-9's which are the larger/higher budget flicks with lots of bonus features.Dvd shrink 3.2-free- will rip most of either size,except with the newer encryptions. Dvd9 movies onto Dual layer media: A totally different type of backup. No compression,so a program like Dvd decrypter and Imgburn. No compression,so you can take a straight 1:1 copy with those smaller dvd-5's onto blank single layer media with dvd decrypter and imgburn-unless there's some newer encryption. Then there's the low budget Dvd-5's.Very small,and not much bonus features. 2) You'll want to know what type of media that you want to use. Single layer dvd-5 blanks that say 4.7 gbs. Or the Dual layer dvd-9's which say around 8.5 gbs or so. The dual layer media cost more money and you gotta watch out for what programs you use. 3) Most people use single layer dvd-5 blanks because of being cheaper. You got +R and -R being the least expensive,write once media. Then there's +RW and -RW which are great to practice with because they can be used over and over again.They may have compatability issues on your stand alone players,so keep that in mind. You've got the plus and dash formats-so don't burn a ton of backups and find out your player won't play that certain format. Make sure your media is quality like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim.That's the +1 issue with dvd burning. Not only trying to get it to burn,but being able to have good playback on your stand alone players. A quality drive helps too! 4) You'll need a ripping program.There's also background rippers-working in your background and you don't even know they are there. Dvd43 is one of them. Anydvd is another,but don't have both loaded on your pc because they may clash. Those newer encryptions are trouble on some ripping programs. Anydvd is very effective with them and it is update regularly. 5) Most dvds,being dvd-9's: Will have to be compressed onto single layer dvd-5 media. So you'll need a compression program like Dvd shrink 3.2. Dvd shrink also rips most movies,but won't do the newer releases. 6) Clonedvd and Nero recode2 will only rip with a background ripper,like Anydvd by slysoft.They will not pull off encryptions. Anydvd also helps dvd shrink rip the newer encryptions.They also compress. 7) Burn Engine: Dvd shrink won't burn,but you can use dvd decrypter,nero,or copytodvd to do the autoburning.A lot of drives come with Nero6 oem,they work great with dvd shrink. 8) Entire Disc or Main movie only? You can cut out a lot of bonus crap to help reduce compression. Highly compressed backups may show a fuzzier playback/blockiness look to them. Best to do main movie only and keep that compression down. Dvd shrink,recode2,and clonedvd have that option. Clonedvd is not free,but there's a free 21 day trial. Same 21 day trial for anydvd. There are so many ways to backup a dvd,you need to know a few different ways to keep up with the ever evolving encryption.There's also totally free programs out there,but a lot more steps involved. Here's some awesome guides: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/BBMayo_Guides.html My favorite combo is Ripping and compressing with dvd shrink and autoburning with nero6. Some of the newer encrypted flicks,I have to enable anydvd in the background.The latest flicks,I had to use nero recode2 and anydvd to back them up. All of those combos with either dvd shrink/recode2/and anydvd,it's still like a 1 program process. That combo cost me $40,but it was for Anydvd. Recode2 came on my oem nero disc,shrink is free. Once you get all the settings correct,you won't believe how easy it is to backup a dvd. Avoid Roxio,Sonic,and most other programs. Some of those so called pricey programs can't even compete with some of the freebie ware.
Thanks Binkie for your quick reply...Much appreciated....Just for the record I had imgburn,fix vts and dvd shrink.....plus a few others...I tried following one of the guides and didnt work for me...I have deleted these and will re install from after dawn in case I had a crook installation. I tried several times to uninstall imgburn and it kept freezing up my computer (xp pro) eventually I got rid of it via easy cleaner..The movie is "shall we dance"has (4) and pal..... regards....
It's really not that bad - you'll get the hang of it in no time. Do the reinstalls of the programs and see how it goes. ImgBurn is usually pretty trouble free. Shall We Dance shouldn't be a problem at all. The ones in the guides and that saugmon listed will all do the job. If you still have a problem just give us the details or errors on what's happening and we can go from there.