To start with I use DVDShrink + Nero to backup DVDs. Been using this combo problem free for a couple years now. So my problems starts with the fact that last week I added an additional DVD-Rom to my PC so I could put the original DVD in it and a blank in the burner and let it rip/burn all in one shot. I usued to just have my burner and would rip to the HD and later on burn the disc. That process used to take me no more than 20 minutes total. Now with this new drive it takes well over an hour with one DVD taking close to an hour and a half. I went to the device manager and turned DMA on for all drives. I wasn't sure which was which [ie primary, secondary, etc] so I did it for all. Doesn't seem to be helping. Any other suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
What are the transfer modes? ultra dma mode 4? PIO mode? Ultra dma mode 2? edit R u using anydvd with these?
Burning speed should be no lower than 4x, no faster than 8x, it's a safer burn to let it use a temp. folder to put it on you hard drive and let it burn from there burning on the fly is faster but more risky if you use Nero just use Nero Recode its dose the same thing, its put it on a SL disc, how do get past the new encryptions ? I have burnt disc at 16x and they worked, but I was surprised they worked
You said you went into device manager and "turned on" DMA for primary and secondary controllers. You might want to uninstall the primary and secondary controllers, turn off and reboot computer, and let Windows reinstall controllers. That is the better way to reinstall DMA....
Ok I'm going to try n answer everything as best as possible. I'm NOT using AnyDVD. As I said I'm using DVDShrink with DVD Region+CSS Free running in the background. Haven't had any problems with any new DVDs aside from ones with labels in the middle from rental stores and some Netflix movies. As for the DMA/PIO issues. I have 2 Primary and 1 Second IDE channel. I don't know what they all are but the first Primary says: The second Primary: The Secondary IDE Channel: Hope the pictures help out a bit. Easier than me trying to explain what everything says.
First let me get your pictures showin in here correctly for all to see. The second Primary: The Secondary IDE Channel: How is your drive hooked up? Cable, Slave, Master, IDE? Try as suggested earlier and go ahead and remove all of your controllers and then re-start your PC.
Sorry I wasn't sure of the rules if I could post the pictures and such like that. I have the BURNER set as the MASTER and the DVD-ROM set as SLAVE. Should I do the drivers thing with both PRIMARY channels and also the SECONDARY? Is going to cause any problems with reinstalling drivers?
It's the rip/encode time. Seems like the burning speed is OK. I really didn't notice. But I did notice that before the burn it was over a hour total before it started burning.
I just did Casino Royle with Anydvd and Nero Recode in 62 min. that was everthing just that is just the main movie only. I have more horsepower than you
Yeah but the thing is without the other drive I was encoding/ripping/burning in under 20 minutes. Why all of a sudden is it taking an hour longer with another drive. That's the question. It's not a matter of whether I have the power, I know I do, it's just the settings aren't right and I can't seem to get 'em right.
thats really fast for all three What speed do u burn at? What quality setttings do u have selected in shrink? Deep analysis or AEC? it also depends on a full disk or main movie only backup?
I don't know the specifics with DVD Shrink. I just encode the movie and remove any foreign audio and that's it. I believe I had Nero burning at 4x but I could be mistaken. It's been running smoothly for months up until I installed a new drive.
Steve7481, It may be easier to figure out where your problems are if you do this and post the results. 1) Rip the movie to your hard drive w/ DVDFab Decrypter Post the time it takes 2) Encode movie from the ripped files using Shrink, post the time that takes (I have a feeling this is where it will be slower) 3) Burn your movie with your Nero and post your time it takes for that