Rip Xbox games

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mikexb03x, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. mikexb03x

    mikexb03x Guest

    I have chipped my xbox (original) with Xecuter2. I was wondering what program I need so I can Burn games and play them.
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    nero to burn them and i would get xISO and just pop a disc in my xbox and ftp its contents to a folder and use the xISO to make and iso and burn a copy with nero. I have never had any trouble with it.
  3. mikexb03x

    mikexb03x Guest

    Ok but I dont know what FTP is or where to get it or one and I dont know where to get xIso. But I do have Nero.
  4. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    download flashfxp and set your ip address in network settings on your dashboard to and connect on flashfxp to that ip address then go by this this is my tut for backups

  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    there is plenty of info there on how to create back ups, and how to set up and use FTP

    FTP is basically connecting the Xbox to your PC via a wireless gaming adapter (if you have about $100 and a wireless router)
    Or a CAT5 Crossover Cable (RJ-45) which runs about $12-$15
    Once you have the Xbox and FTP program set up you will be able to back up games, stream media to the Xbox using XBMC, Update your dashboards and programs via FTP and other things.
    You will also need either Qwix or Craxtion4. Download them both and see which you like using best.
  6. DavGerm4

    DavGerm4 Active member

    May 25, 2006
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    It is very simple on doing this.
    1. Download an FTP program for your PC. I would recommend FlashFXP, because it is very nice, and easy to understand.

    Follow this guide. It will help you on setting up your FTP connection.

    2. Next you will want to get a program for your xbox called DVD2Xbox. You can get this from #xbins, using an IRC channel.

    This will help you on using IRC channels, and getting files off of #xbins.

    3. Get a burning software on your PC. Use NERO, because it is one of the most simple ones to use.

    4. Get an XISO software for your PC, so that you can convert the Folder into an XISO. You can use Craxton, or Quix. It depends on what you think would be easy for you.

    5. You will want to take one of your Xbox games and use DVD2Xbox, to copy the game to the HDD. Once that is done, you will want to FTP the Game Folder, from your Xbox, to your PC. Then you will want take the XISO software that you have, and create an XISO with the file that you took from your Xbox. Once the XISO is finished, you will use NERO, to burn an image to a disc. Wallah!!! You have backed up one of your games.

    If you need more help, you can PM me, or just respond in this forum.

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