RipIt4Me updated version 12-11-06

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by ireland, Dec 11, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    RipIt4Me - A new ripper is out
    version (11 December 2006)
    - Fixed a problem introduced in which could cause a bad structure on some DVDs (such as Cars).
    - Added UseOldCheckCode option in .ini file: if RipIt4Me can't detect the DVD or the Drive, you can set this option to 1 to use the "old" code, until we pinpoint and fix the problem.

    RipIt4Me is a freeware utility that helps you backup your copy protected DVDs.

    Recently released DVDs are now very often equipped with stronger copy protections - such as ARccOS™ and RipGuard DVD. Programs like DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter cannot handle these types of discs.

    With the help of RipIt4Me, ripping these DVDs will be a very easy task. The program is fully automated and the wizard will guide you through all the necessary steps involved. If you prefer, there is also a true "1-Click" mode that will perform all the involved steps automatically for you.

    Please refer to the official RipIt4Me Guide and FAQ for more information on how to use this program.

    link to download
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