If you can't find a digital way there's always the Analog method. I can show you how to use [bold]Jet Audio[/bold] to record the sound to your hard-drive, using its Wav-Out Mix feature. My guide adresses External Players but by checking the correct box and changing the words "Line-In" to "Wav-Out Mix" and "External Player" to "Media player," (which is your software media player) it should make since. ------------------------------------------------------ Link to the guide: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/125931 Link to programs of possible intrest: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/127334 ------------------------------------------------------ The Wave-Out Mix feature will alow you to record anything and everything that is coming out of your speakers (meaning its going through the line-out port)! Ced
The digital way would include software that would demux the files and save the audio track for you in whatever format you want it to be in (aptly ripping it). The Quality difference would be that Digital would make perfect copies every time. Analog requires patience and takes longer wich allows for more errors to occur (human errors). If the file is DRM protected, I know allot of WMVs are, then the digital method might by almost illegal. The Analog method is safe though. If your carefull and use a lossless codec your audio file should turn out indistinguishable from the one a digital process would create. In your case it is allot easier because the audio never leaves your computer and is generated by software and recorded by software which, would be as close as you can get to the Digital-Analog divide. The only anolog divice in use with the analog method is your sound-card (digital is CPU intensive). Does that help? Ced