Ripping + compressing DVDs to HDD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Bar182, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Bar182

    Bar182 Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Right, Ive got about 100 DVDs to put on my computer and I have about 200Gb HDD space for them.

    How do I go about firstly ripping the DVD to my Hard drive and compressing it. I wouldnt want any movie to be bigger than 2Gb. Would this still be good quality? I will hook my computer up to my tv to play them.

    Also I have tried various programs before and they all tend to give me a heap of different files (VOB ISO etc). Is there anyway to just make it one file to play?

    Thanks :)

  2. nist

    nist Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Well, a DVD-5 is 4.3GB large. If you compress a movie to around 2gb there will be large quality loss.

    Do you want everything on the DVD (menu, extra, etc) or only the movie?

    If only the movie you could try to compress it a AVI, VCD or SVCD instead. An AVI (DivX/XviD) movie is usually around 700-1400MB large and rather good quality compared to VCD.

    I would in your case choose the AVI alternative to make a movie collection on the HD.
  3. Bar182

    Bar182 Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I would like the Menu but I think I could get rid of the extra features and subtitles, languages etc.

    AVI eh? if I was to burn them to a dvd would the play in a DVD player?


    EDIT: Hang on if i dont have xtra features i dont need a menu lol.

    Just the Movie :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Drinking is the answer. I dont remember the question.[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  4. nist

    nist Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    I don't think it would be a good idea to continue to have it in DVD format if you want to compress it that much. If you compress just DVD title (for example, with DVD Shrink) to 2GB they quality would be rather low. But as always with quality, it is subjective!
    But try it out and see if the quality is good enough for you. Try with the free DVD Shrink program found here at AD. Choose custom size in preferences and there set the size you prefer (ex 2000). Then use the re-author function to just backup the movie.
    That kind of movie would be possible to backup to a dvd and play on your standalone dvd player (but then would I instead use the standard setup in Shrink to gain better quality).

    I thought the idea was to have it on the HD?
    An AVI file won't play in the standalone player unless it plays DivX files (rather uncommon).

    You have tree options as I see it:
    1. Rip the dvd movie to HD in dvd format(several files) in your preferred size with Shrink
    2. Rip the movie to an AVI file. Can be played on computer to TV out(thought that was the way you wanted to do it). Advantages is that it is only one file and smaller size. Disadvantage is that it can't directly be used in a dvd player.
    3. Rip movie to VCD format. Can be played on a dvd player but quality is not as good. Approximately four vcd format movies fit on a standard DVD! Try it out :)

    If you only want to be able to play it on the computer and not on a standalone dvd player I suggest the AVI alternative. For respective way on how to to do it, please see the guide section.
  5. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    If you convert to AVI then you have to reconvert back to a DVD compatible format to be able to play them in a DVD player. The problem is that converting to AVI takes away some picture quality and converting back will not get your quality back.

    Hope I've helped...

  6. Bar182

    Bar182 Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Nist - Yes I do want to play thru my computer to Tv, I just wanted to weigh up all my options. It would be nice to know I could also back up to disc :)

    Your second option, definately looks the best to me, even though I will not have the option to play in a DVD player. Will a 2Gb AVI movie still be near DVD quality?

    Thanks for your help, you have been very informative :)
  7. nist

    nist Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    Just glad if I could help :)
    Usually is a 2 hour movie compressed with DivX or XviD with good quality around 1400MB. Larger than that do I not think is necessary (works at least for me).
    Even some movies compressed to 700MB (to fit one CD) has rather good quality. Just try it out and experiment at little. Try different settings until you find something your satiesfied with.

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