hello! I need some help here... im trying to rip an mp3 file from a movie file eg. avi,mpeg.. etc... currently, im using videomach to rip a wav, then cdex to convert it into an mp3. but the videomach trial date will be over soon. is there any program out there which will suit my needs??? someone please reply! Thanks!!
hi! Just download VirtualDub (to save the wav-file) and easylame (to encode the wav-file to mp3). Downloads \\\\\\\\\\ #1 http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/virtualdub/VirtualDub-1_4_10.zip 1. Open video file 2. File/Save Wav #2 http://www.benjamin-lebsanft.de/files/easylame11.exe 1. "Add" wav-file 2. "encode" -that's it- that's it. Pretty easy. chris aka /\ I R mailto:klee98@gmx.net