maybe you could find a ps2 emulator, if it's legal, and use some software to record the sound. If not, is your ps2 and computer in the same room, or near eachother? You might have to buy a cord or cable to connect them like this (the cord in between would probably need to be longer, though) it probably costs ~$3 anyway, if you take your red and white male rca ends from your ps2 and instead of to your television plug them into the corresponding holes in the cord, you could plug the end that looks like a headphone jack into your computer. It might be less trouble to find your music the retail route (if people wanna hear it, it's probably being sold, right?) Edit: RadioShack has the cable and lots of other stuff similar to it, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that you might have sitting around the house.
Thanks man. i do have the ps2 relatively close to my computer. Perhaps USB will work, i'll try them 1st.