ripping pics from ps2 titles

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by leiongod, Sep 3, 2005.

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  1. leiongod

    leiongod Regular member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    hi there i was wondering if there was any way of ripping pics from from ps2 games, ok rite now that dont makes sense, but ok ill eplain what i mean.

    ok if any of you's have played or seen the dot hack games for ps2 you'll notice that in it you can choose differet pics for your dektop pic within the game itself, and when i saw the pics i could choose for my desktop pic within the games called hack infction hack mutation hack outbreak adn hack quarantine i was amazed at how good they were, and i thought wouldnt it be cool if they had the exact same pics which you could choose for your desktop backdrop within the game itself but actually had em on the net to download, and cos i wouldn know where to start i thought id ask if there was profg out there which might be able to sumhow get those pics from teh game.

    now i say this cos i already have a prog which i got from a link which a guy here posted to me which allows you take pss files and extract the audio and movie files from the pss files. so i ask this cos if theres progs to allow yopu to rip contents from pss files then im hoping that mebbe theres a prog which allows you to extract the pics from the ps2 games. Now when i stick in my ps2 game in my pc drive i see pss files and a whole lot of .bin files so im just guessing here but i think mebbe the the pics which yu can shoose 4 the desktop pic within the game itself migh be located within one of the .bin files.

    can sumone please tell me waht you think of this and all and if such a prog exists can sumone please tell me and where i can get it, cos i would luv to know and all.

    well i hope to hear a good respone back from someone. well bye 4 now ^^X
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