Its only legal if you buy them from the rental company. If you rip one you have rented your computer blows up and ur balls fall off.
Oriphus, I just wanted to let you know I read that last post of yours in class about 2 minutes, ago, and you made me laugh out loud , in the middle of complete silence - thanks alot. (at least I am the teacher) ---- brian
hi all HEY! you got to love the title of this thread! Nice love it! dont be shy! LOL lay it on the table... thx
Yes, it is amusing, and I think I will leave is here as a testament of what not to ask. And I had better close it as well ;-) PS : For the record, you cannot back-up rented DVDs, unless you are in Finland (so I hear) PPS : Oriphus/orifice : The user's name is Janet, so unless she/he has gone through the transsexual experience already, there would be no balls to speak of.