Rise up against the Bush administration.

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by maximus7, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. maximus7

    maximus7 Member

    Mar 11, 2005
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    If you want to thwart the Republican Party then look to the companies who donate to them.

    Tell THEM you want an increase to the minimum wage.

    Tell THEM to stop social security piratization and instead lift the limit of taxable income for the FICA tax which will keep social security solvent.

    Tell THEM you want to repeal the faulty prescription drug law and replace it with a real prescription drug benefit that covers 80 percent of medication cost.

    Tell THEM you remain outraged about the 2004 stolen election in Ohio.

    They put the Republicans into office. Tell THEM what you want and boycott THEM until you get what you want. Join together and use the power of your purchases to get what you want in congress.

    Stop complaining and do something.

    Please pass this onto as many other people as you can especially on forums where independents can read.

    Also put the url www.boycott-republicans.com on index cards and leave them in your libraries, supermarkets and post office bulletin boards.

    How can the people force a mean spirited conservative congress to pass a progressive agenda? Simple. I have picked some well known companies that appear related to issues that progressives find important. Boycott these companies and make them lobby congress and get what we want or they go bust. While I agree we need to elect a Democratic congress and a Democratic president, with a consumer boycott we the people can exert influence every single day and not just at election time and not just with letters or petitions but with petitions with the bite of a boycott.

    Join the revolution for progressive legislation


    Write this url on your one, five and ten dollar bills.

    Call Eckerd Pharmacy Corporate Headquarters at 800 325 3737, Call CVS Pharmacy Corporate headquarters at 888 607 4287 and Call Walgreens Pharmacy Corporate headquarters at 800 289 2273 and tell them you will not purchase any products from their drug stores until they get the Republican congress to repeal the faulty prescription drug benefit and replace it with a simple 80 percent coverage benefit under Medicare Part B. Then sign the petition.

    Call Walmart at 800 WALMART and tell them you will not buy from them until they get the Republican congress to stop social security privatization, increase the minimum wage to TEN dollars an hour, and extend unemployment insurance for people who lost jobs and sought work for more than 6 months. then sign the petition.

    Sign the petition to stop social security privatization, increase the minimum wage,extend unemployment insurance for people who lost jobs and sought work for more than 6 months and repeal the faulty Republican prescription drug benefit and replace it with a simple 80 percent coverage of medication under Medicare Part B. Please get two other people to sign this petition.


    Sign the petition to stop the War and Occupation in Iraq


    Boycott Wendy's Restaurants and Outback Steakhouses.

    Why you say? Wendy's Restaurants operate out of Dublin, OHIO and Outback Steakhouses operate out of FLORIDA. Now you see. I have picked two well known companies that operate out of the states that have brought us stolen elections by the immoral Republican Party. These companies operate restaurant chains that have restaurants around the United States.

    Now why boycott them after the effort to overturn Bush's second stolen election has failed? Boycott them, call them, email them and tell them that we will not go to their restaurants until Ohio and Florida elects democrats to Governorships, Secretaries of state and majorities in their legislatures in Ohio and Florida. In other words we will punish them for allowing the stolen elections to happen in 2000 and 2004. Will it work? Well do it and see.

    I had a petition to demand a revote in Ohio and Florida at


    but now I use it to allow people to express their opinions on the 2004 and 2000 stolen elections and encourage them to boycott Wendy's and Outback Steakhouse, 2 famously Republican contributors.

    Thank you.

    Also visit these fine websites






  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    you can just look at my sig and know where I stand on this issue.

    my fav site is www.black-thursday.com


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