Ritek Ridata Updates (success/failure stories)

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mindgod, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    Hi, well I took the advice of dozens of AD members and today I received 11 Ritek Ridata discs.

    What I noticed what quite unexpected: The Ritek Ridata discs had No "Ritek" written on them, the top was just silver. oN the plastic ring (in the center) it said "Ridata". The bottom is a bluish and greenish kind of color. When I tried to check the disc manufacturer and the dye and etc... Nero (CD-DVD info) would not identify.

    Now for the results. I have not tried any Video_ts files yet, but I did successfully burn my Camcorder capture files.

    Is this strange:? After the burn, there was a large thick ring visible on the "data" part of the DVD. or does that happen with All DVDs

    thanks. I will keep updating.
  2. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    The "large thick ring" just sounds like unburned space -- i.e., whenever you burn less than the full capacity of the disc, you'll get what you described. Did you notice the number of megabytes (or gigabytes) you were burning?

    RE: Ritek Ridata discs, there are so many different kinds, e.g. Meritline sells at least 4 different kinds of DVD+R Ritek Ridata alone. Personally I haven't figured out the differences among them, but they've all burned perfectly for me.

    You should be able to check the disc info with a free download called DVDInfoPro -- my Riteks usually come up with RICOHJPN01 if I'm remembering correctly, but there are other valid Ritek codes as well.
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi mindgod,

    As Karen said the color you're discribing happens with all DVD's.

    The main thing is that it said Ridata on the ring - Ya done good there buddy -

    I use the Silver Ridata and the "branded" also, right now Mertline has them for $.48ea (USD) - Quality at a decent price - next week their prices may change - always "Google" for the best bargin on a specific product. The Ridata, the Ritek G04's and the "branded" Verbatims. The "Advanced Metal AZO" by Vermatim are great.

    BTW, All Ritek are not good. They make more than 50% of the world's retail DVD media - Only the ones we mentioned should be trusted -

    Good question though,



  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    "Boy do I hate those that double post - . . .

    . . wha . . It was who ? It was . . .

    Oooops, it was me wasn't it . . . Aaaahhhh, well then let me say that maybe I don't hate them, perhaps I mearly mildly dislike them ??

    It won't wha . . . It won't fly like that in Denmark ? ? Ok, Ok, (lemma me see . . I got it - )

    Yea, it really wasn't me, yea, yea, that's it, that's my story and I'm sticking with it -

    It really wasn't me - "

    (heading for the hills before my BIG mouth gets me in even deeper . . .)

    Sea yaaaaaaaaaa

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2004
  5. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    I just tried to burn the Movie Face/Off... I encoded with DVDshrink and it bacame 4.35 GB. Shrink said illegal disc error while burning. Then I tried to burn directly with Nero, it said Illegal Disc. I WAS using ritek ridatas!!
  6. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    :(.... maybe i should just give up burning DVDs...Damn, I wasted so much time and money over nothing.
  7. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Boy you give up easily. :)

    (1) When you say you burned with Shrink, did you mean you burned with Decrypter in .iso mode? (2) Then you tried burning the .iso file again in Nero?

    Actually, though, since you're getting an "illegal disc" message, it sounds like there's something wrong with the discs. How far into the burning process are you getting that message? If it's right at the start, then it might be something simple, e.g. you're trying to burn a DVD+R disc and your burner only burns DVD-R or vice versa. Can you check this?
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2004
  8. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    I just tried to erase a ridata disc through nero, and it said ILLEGAL DISC. I am soooo depressed right now!
  9. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    It does sound like a DVD+R-vs.-DVD-R problem ... can you check this?
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2004
  10. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    I am using NEC ND-1300A burner..it supports all formats. I get illegal disc message with NERO right after it says: formatting was successful.

    And I was not burning ISO images, i was burning encoded video files with DVD shrink and NERO. (i used dvd shrink's option: burn with Nero) so not ISO.

    How can it be the Media? It's Ritek Ridata
  11. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    OK, I'm stumped. Ritek Ridatas are generally great media. You might want to do a search for the message "illegal disc" and see if someone else has had this problem. It seems like in the past, it was sometimes because someone was trying to burn a DVD+R when their burner only burned DVD-R, which is why I suggested that.

    One other thing -- you said you formatted the disc? If your discs are DVD+R or DVD-R, you don't format them before using them -- you only format RW discs. +R's and -R's are one-use discs ... I wonder if that formatting has now become your "one use"!! Odd that Nero wouldn't catch that though -- that it was formatting a +R or -R disc (what kind did you get, anyway?).
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2004
  12. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    P.S. You got me curious so I did the "illegal disc" search myself and found a link, http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/81981, that seemed to have the same problem you did. Nero formatted the disc automatically even though it was a +R or -R disc (the person didn't say) and did NOT need to be formatted. So maybe Nero is the culprit. Have you tried burning with something else? Do you have other burning software on your computer, e.g. Decrypter (burns .iso images only) or RecordNow (which is the one I use 99% of the time -- works great)?
  13. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    Ok.. there was some confusion.. I am using Ritek Ridata DVD+RW disc. This disc is supported by my Drive. and I get the illegal disc message anyway.. I have no clue.
  14. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Um, would've been good to know the media type from the start. :) Just FYI, the more info you can give us, the better.

    Hmmm ... a couple more things to try ... (1) Format the disc NOT at the start of doing something else, but just to format it (I assume there's a command in Nero or other burning software to "format a disc"). Then try using that now-formatted disc. (2) Maybe a better suggestion, try using another burning program -- I asked you what else you had & you didn't answer that part. Maybe try DVD Decrypter (with DVD Shrink if the original DVD is too big).

    FYI, I don't know what programs your burner came with, but mine came with RecordNow and that's about all I use these days. I rip/encode in file mode with DVD Shrink, so I end up with video_ts and audio_ts folders, and then I burn those two folders as a "data disc" in RecordNow (yes, a data disc -- sounds counter-intuitive since you're really making a video disc). Works perfectly every time and takes about 15 minutes to burn with 4x discs. So if you got RecordNow with your burner, you might want to try that next.

    Hang in there. We all made some coasters at the start. You actually had a good idea in buying RW discs just in case anything goes wrong. You'll get it to work, we all have! :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Karen H. -- Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 1.50ghz, 256mb RAM (yeah, I need more), Windows XP Pro w/Service Pack 1, Sony DDU1621/C1 DVD-ROM for ripping/encoding, Sony external DRX-530UL for burning, Shrink or Decrypter + RecordNow[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2004
  15. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    sorry i didnt mention that it was a DVD+RW. The other DVD software I have is: Dvd Decrypter, DVD shrink, and that's it. When I try to erase the RW disc, Nero says illegal disc. INCD which is the format utility in Nero, says illegal disc also. Is my burner flawed? or should i get new software...

    question: do the "data discs" that you burn with your software work with a DVD Player? I will try to burn under data.
  16. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    I have no idea what's going on with all your "illegal discs" messages so I'll just address the "data disc" question. Yes, the disc I burn as a "data disc" plays perfectly in my stand-alone DVD players -- Sony, Oritron (2 of them), and Philips, all of which will play DVD+R discs. It's just called a "data disc" when I burn it in RecordNow, I don't know why. Someone on these forums gave me this tip when I was first starting -- I was skeptical since I didn't want a data disc, I wanted a video disc, but it worked perfectly. I've done literally 100's of burns in the past few months and, unless the original media was flawed (I'd bought cheapo media at first), the burns were perfect.

    I suspect this depends on the program you're using. For some reason, RecordNow wouldn't recognize my video files unless I told it to create a data disc and just added the video_ts and (empty) audio_ts folders. Then it worked great. Weird, I know.

    BTW one other thing you might try -- buy one DVD+R or DVD-R disc to see if you still get the "illegal disc" message. (Since your burner supports all formats, pick the one that your stand-alone player plays.) Personally I can't figure out what's going on with your burner or the discs.
  17. mindgod

    mindgod Guest

    I wish I could get RecordNOw but on their site, (i checked) it doesnt support my drive. I'm clueless about this issue. Before the ridatas I tried Fuijifilm and TDK and they all said illegal disc. SO i assumed it's bad media.. but with Ridata (which is supposedly great media) i get the same problem. A program that says it works with my drive (alcohol 120%) could not even identify the Ridata DVD+RW disc.

    I should just buy another drive.. don't you think?
  18. actech

    actech Regular member

    Apr 4, 2003
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    one thing i have read a lot of people stating incd causes problems. i use nero burning the ts folders no problem. my first batch of riteks 25+ out of a 50 no errors but they came from newegg.com and the say ridata on them in the silver not the center. dvdinfopro says they are ritek g-04
  19. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Hmmm ... I wonder if it IS your burner. I have a Sony, not a NEC, so I can't say too much about yours. You could (a) try the media you have (the Riteks) on someone else's burner to see if they work, and if they do you'll know the media is OK (which Riteks almost always are) and (b) try other media with your burner, so if they work you'll know it WAS the media for some reason. I think (b) might be easier -- just buy one disc to try so you don't lose too much more money. And BTW some Riteks look "generic" -- i.e., they don't have Ritek or Ridata written on them even though they are genuine Ritek discs. So you can't judge by that.

    You said you tried Fujifilm and TDK discs and got the "illegal disc" message on them too -- what kind were they, DVD+RW too? Again, try one of another kind just to see if your burner recognizes it.

    If you try other discs that your burner is supposed to support and none of them work, then that would seem to mean something's wrong with your burner. Is it still under warranty?
  20. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    P.S. In your original post, you wrote that you'd successfully burned your camcorder capture files. You burned those on a DVD disc? If so, what kind -- what brand & what type, +R, -R, +RW, -RW? And with what program did you burn those files?

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