Hi, Does anyone know what is rmvb file? How can it convert into vob file and burn it into a blank dvd. Your early reply is greatly appreciated.
you have to convert it to mpeg2 format and then change it into a vob format using tmpgen dvd author or something like that.
Try using EasyX video converter to convert to mpeg2. Under options, setting, video settings, output type choose mpeg2. Under video size set width at 352 and height at 480. Under framerate set 29.7. Under bitrate choose anything between 2000 to 9000. In the audio settings set sample rate at 48000. Thats it. The result mpeg2 file can be authored in tmpgenc dvd author.
Matroska_acp is easy one step. Sorry, just saw your posting. If you still need a copy (it's freeware) drop me an email at EMAIL REMOVED!.
email address was removed from last post because spam bots scan these forums everyday, so unles su want your inbo full of spame ur best off leaving it off the forum, which is why email address posting is against the rules. If you need to send an email address just use the private message feature. RMVB is Real Video. A couple of options straigt off the top of my head are WinAVI and DVDSanta. DVDSanta Guide: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/convert_multiple_formats_to_dvd_dvdsanta.cfm WinAVI guide: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/multiple_formats_to_dvd_winavi.cfm
hi henryting, You can use winavi video convert to convert your rmvb file to vob file and then burn it! http://www.winavi.com/rm-converter.htm