Road Rage

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by djscoop, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    Okay, so I had one of the worst cases of road rage I’ve ever seen today. And living in LA, you see it a lot. There I was, minding my own business, driving home from the park after taking my dog for a jog. I’m in the right lane, look in my mirror, see this suburban that was at LEAST 5 car lengths back, so I signal and move over. Then this guy speeds up, honks his horn, flashes his brights, and flips me off. So I flipped him off back. Then he pulls around side of me, continues cussing at me, then swerves in front of me. He slams on his brakes, trying to get me to hit him, then starts weaving back and forth all over the road. By the way, this was a skinny white dude in his forties…he had obviously blown a microchip or too. He was flipping out.

    So I keep driving behind him, then turn left, to head towards my house. As I’m turning, I see this guy getting into the middle lane, to turn at the next street and follow me. So I take evasive actions, and slowly cruise down side streets, but sure enough, all of a sudden he shows up, and nearly T-bones me at an intersection. This guy is screaming crap at me that I can’t even understand. I’m really close to home, but no way I’m going there and stopping. So luckily there’s a fire station a block away, so I calmly drive there, with him following me. I pull up right in front of the station, and he turns just past that in a parking garage. Oh, I forgot to mention, but I had my dog in the back of the truck! That’s what I was worried about the whole time! If not, I would have hauled ass and tried to lose him. So I jump out and start walking up to the fire station, since that’s the only safe place I can think of. He comes running around the corner, and starts yelling, “I’m a Federal Agent! You’re busted! You flipped me off! You’re done!” I said “No way, bumhole, you flipped me off first. I didn’t do anything wrong!” He replies, “You cut in front of me. I’m having headquarters fax over your info right now! There will be cops at your house when you get home to take you in! You’re done pal!” Then walks away.

    I still wasn’t really that scared, mainly because I knew I didn’t do anything wrong, and HE was the one driving crazy and chasing ME! But at the same time, if he were a Fed, it would be his word against mine. So I was a little nervous. Oh, and his license plate? It was TROOLUV. How cute. So I head home, and ended up staring out my front window for an hour, but as I suspected, no one came. So it was obvious he was full of it, but I was just amazed at this guy. He totally snapped for NO reason. I thought of filing a police report, but I don’t want to give the cops my info, and have to talk to that guy about it and settle what happened. I’d rather just find his address and go blow up his car or something. Sorry to ramble for so long, I just had to vent a little. This guy seriously snapped or something. Maybe he got fired, or his wife left him, or something. Who knows? But it was pretty damn freaky.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    wasn't LA were that guy left his suv in the middle of the railway track(s) that caused a train derailment with 9 dead & about 180 injured??
  3. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    yeah, in Glendale. 11 dead, over 200 injured. 3 trains involved. That wasn't really road rage though. He tried to commit suicide by parking his jeep on the tracks, then jumped out of his car at the last minute.
  4. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    why didnt you just start swinging when he confronted you?? hell even if he was a fed you would of got off in court and that prick would be kicked outta the force faster than anyone could say 'mentally unstable', but hes probably just your local nutjob whos only pleasure for the day is to try the same 'im a fed(at least i think i am),your fucked' routine with other unsuspecting drivers and therefore you have nothing to worry bout, we have plenty of those kinda numb heads over here in Oz, just wrong place wrong time m8
  5. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    If he truly was a fed, he'd have arrested you right then and there and not sent the police to your
  6. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Like a federal agent can even arrest you for road rage.
  7. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    yeah, after I got home and the adrenaline started going down, it came obvious that he was full of it, and was just saying he was a Fed, so I wouldn't go into the firestation and tell them how crazy he was acting, cause he easily could have gotten arrested for the way he was driving. I wonder if there is a way to find peoples addresses by their licence plate...I would love some revenge. Just for making my day shitty.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    there are ways & means to find out, just have to do a bit of searching one way or another
  9. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    not saying he'll do it ... but baldbear (xcopy mod) is a cop. And he posts on afterdawn/dvdxcopy.afterdawn while he's at work.

    I wonder if he would do a search on those plates.
  10. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    thanks, Flip. I'll PM him, although I don't know if he would be too happy with my motive, but I guess its worth a shot.
  11. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    What if?? What if instead of a fed agent the guys was a driving instructor having a bad day :)
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    the problem that might show up is without witnesses it is your word against the other driver's word if you goto the law. if you do it outside the law don't discuss it here as you never know who is reading this, could even be that driver but don't know
  13. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    very true, I should keep my mouth shut. I doubt I will do anything though. I'm not a very vengeful person. I'm more of the karma theory: sooner or later, he'll get what he deserves. But it feels good THINKING about it. :)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2005
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    your right as what goes around comes around & he'll get his just reward but hopefully not at somebody's else expense
  15. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

  16. scott2453

    scott2453 Guest

    djscoop this guy will get whats coming to him, you can be sure of that. just think about it like this:
    you cut him off. not really, but obviously enough to piss this guy off. now think about all the shitty driving that that goes on in LA on a daily basis. cutting someone off is nothing. That would lead me to believe that sooner or later, this guy is going to do the same thing to someone else. my point is, this guy is eventually going to do this to the wrong person. whats gonna happen when he pulls this shit on a gang member or someone with a gun or pretty much anybody that stands up to him? You see, some people aren't worth the trouble to get revenge on. sometimes theyre stupid enough to do it themselves.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2005
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    2nd that!!!
  18. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    thanks scott, thats what I've been realizing over the past few days. its hard to think like that in the heat of the moment, but now that I look back on it a few days later, I can almost laugh about it. Like I said, I'm a pretty mellow, non-violent guy, so I wouldn't have the cajones to get revenge like that. And like you said, he will get what's coming to him. I will say that I learned my lesson about flipping people off, cause even though he did it first, that obviously sent him over the edge. I'm all about karma though, so sooner or later....
  19. scott2453

    scott2453 Guest

    exactly. the way i see it, what goes around comes around. it might not be soon, but the tables almost always turn on people like this. it happens all the time. remember the people in school that used to piss you off and be complete jackasses to everybody because they thought they were cooler than you are? think about how successful they become later in life.
  20. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    LOL. I have a really funny story about that. About 6 months ago, I go into Starbucks (which I usually never go to, as I hate coffee, and hate Starbucks even more, but I was meeting an old friend there), and who do I see behind the counter serving lattes? Someone from my class in high school. He was one of the jocks that was a star football player and all that, and here he was, five years after we graduated, and he's working at starbucks. He said to me, "Hey man, what have you been up to?" I replyed "I teach audio production at a college...what have you been up to?" His reply? "Just workin here man..." I turned away before I burst out laughing.

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