Why isn't anyone talking about Roxio's new update that performs video encoding? What do you guys think?
Absolutely Right ...Roxio can"t get simple CD-R burning Right so what makes you think that encodeing would be any better, all roxio software I have tried Was Buggy as hell and was Just plain Crap ware accept for maybe Video Wave 5 but that wasn"t even created by Roxio but MGI......Cheers
I ahve Roxio and have so far failed to produce a working DVD, despite reading and re-reading the guides here. I think Roxio 6.2 might provide the answer. Have any experienced users tried the new version of Rozio yet and does it work????
As a DJ who has used Roxio for Thousands of CD's with never a problem, I'm going to go with User error on this one Now, I have been unsucessful with burning a DVD with Roxio, however, I'm still new to this. My friend introduced me to the process, and he swears by DVDDecrypter, DVD2One, and Roxio, and said he made a couple coasters when he started, but hasn't had one since. I'm hoping to get with him Thursday, and will let you know the format he uses then. Viper
viper91 DVD Decrypter DVD2One Nero Is the method I use so you're nearly bang on tha money as they say but I'd forget Roxio. Either Nero or RecordNow for burning (trust) !: )-