Am I just not getting it. I can only make exact copies of dvd to dvd+rw dvds. error message but get copy. Cannot edit anything. Feel really dumb. Especially that its "Easy Media Creator". Help been trying for two days ..........about to give up....but pissed that I spent the money on Software that I just dont get.
@JD...welcome to AD..... the problem you have is that the software is good for homemade DVDs. You can't copy a DVD movie because of it's copy protection embedded in the DVD structure. You have to use software to handle the copy protection. Read all about DVDs: read the guides from BBMayo and Scubba Pete's web pages...... these guys I learned from. There are free programs that you can download here and use to copy a DVD movie. If you read the thread that I gave you you'll become a knowledgeable Newbie and well on your way to becoming a DVD burning fool.... like me!
Hi thanks for the info. The only thing is that I am trying to copy a home movie. I haven't even attempted a copyright movie. I still will check out the info. on that. Im still stuck. I dont have any clue what I am doing wrong. Can you think of what I could possibly be missing. Any info you have will be greatly appreciated.
hi look i am new to afterdawn so forgive me. i have bought roxio easy media cretor 8 and whenever i install it and run it it frezes up when i try burn or open a copy-protected dvd. i use slysoft anydvd and have made backups wit my lacie-dvdRW 3500AG with roxio easy media creator 7 dvd suite. cofused please help????
to jdskeets if u could be a little bit more specific i maybe can help i have been using roxio since version5 and just a week ago bought version8 i have used this software almost everday since i first bought it and am very knowledgeble with it . i personaly prefer roxio anyday over the very recomened nero . i have used nero a little as i got a copy of it with my benq dvd burner and its very limited as what u can do . at least my copy is anyway . i will be glad to help with any issues it would be sad to hear of you giving up on such a great piece of software in my opinion.
stuffs? vever heard that terminalogy. is your system freezing? if so u will need more memory! whats yor prossesor? you need to have a fairely decent system to run most of the apps or they will be really slow. also if your using any version prior to 8 u need to update it as it will make certain apps run more efficent. if u are having a particular problem with one of the apps xplain whats going on !
soz didint mean 2 be rude but apps like nero dvdshrink etc. run fine but when it comes 2 roxio8 it freezes up. ps.(had no probs with EMC 7.5 drive bundle) Running:- windows xp pro ver.2002, service pack 2, 40GB HD,376MB RAM drives:-lacie DVD-RW DL designed bi pourche,and 1 CD-RW programs 2 burn:-anydvd dvdshrink and Imgburn/ workz great
i would e maile roxio asking for a refund if yr that unhappy with there product . just make sure u attach your proof of purchase and they will take care of u . i have refunded multiple dloads from roxio ,they were sonic software for pics and slide shows they sucked bad . they did not even hesitate i had the banks money refunded back to my card within 24hrs i was shocked i thought it would be a fight and take days or mounths. i also had to get a hard copy replacement which they were supposed to charge me for and never did . thats to bad u are having such trouble as roxio custumer service and the easy media creators products are great in my opinion. u could go to there site or call them as they do have free live tech support for a lmited time with new software purchases. or try the retailer for a refund or store credit at least. then maybe try the new nero my sister uses it and loves it . i will probably get it in time still having fun with the new roxio 8 . anyway good luck .also just so u no i have about the same system except i have 320 gigs of storage --which could be your problem if your out of storage the program is useless as it needs temp space for all your projects-- and i can backup complete menu and all copy protected dvds with the help from anydvd perfectly and most movies take me about 35 mins to complete . some a little less some a little more . one thing that 7.5 and 8 has is that it has alot of opt for compressing and encoding . version 8 will alow u to take your movie and covert to divx for storing on yr pc or online trading and such . it also has the wmv opt . i have not used the wmv dont see what the advantage is really over divx and dvd to using the wmv opt. but it copies your movies very efectively with the help of any dvd. u can shrink the movie,u can remove subtitles or keep whatever subs u need the same with the audio u can remove or keep what u need . i find it to be alike like dvdclone and dvdfab . both of those are great to . but the faithfull nero does all that crap to . i hope i have helped somewhat as u didnt give me much to go on though other than telling us yr pc locked . sounds like your best bet is to dump it according to your post . and go back to whatever was working before . i would of stayed with version 7.5 but when they added mpeg 4 support along with some other new fetures i couldnt resist the $29.99 U.S upgrade. take care and goodluck . maybe i will chat with you next year sometime lol.