COuld soemone list RPG and stradgy games for the Xbox I dotn care if they sux or not Also list non Wolrd War sim current or past FPS's (the only mordem FPS I can stand is XIII) FInaly list any action games of note. thanks for the help ^^
Really all i play are FPS Black Halo 2 (ofcourse) Doom 3 Battle Field 2 Modern Combat Brothers in Arms(both) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter(better on 360 but not really bad for the xbox) Urban Chaos Call of Duty (all of them) Counter Strike im sure there are more but thats all that i can think of....
theridges is cool man but Battle Field 2 Modern Combat Brothers in Arms(both) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Urban Chaos Call of Duty (all of them) Counter Strike are all WW2 or morderen war FPS whitch I tend to hate te last morderen type FPS I liked was XIII
rpg: FABLE!!!! (Played it 4 times and played lost chapters twice) Morrwind GOTY (hated the game, to many glitches) PSO (combat system is okay) starwars jedi knight: jedi academy is awesome in my opinion Jade Empire!!! action: ninja gaiden (soo friggen hard) prince of persia FPS: Far Cry HL2 halo 2 black oddworld these are all i can think of right now
Venom5880 *pokes my rig with a stick* I dont think you could call it a gameing rig (3700+,1GB 400 MHZ ramm,ata 100 and 133 PATA HDs) altho it ran fable kinda o last tiem I palyed it the game is ok but way to short to be a seroiues contentor. theridges thats kinda ashame there are a ton of older great computer FPSs. Darkwatch was abotu the only new FPS I could stand enough to learn how to paly....sicne most use cookie cutter controlls I ahte them and I aimwith my left thumb 0-o if I cant use my left thumb to aim forget it 0_o
i mean i have a comp to run games AMD Athlon 3200+,2.4 GB Ram and 2 160 GB HD's and a crappy graphics card (only 128 MB) but i would rather play strategy games on the PC like C&C and Civilizations stuff like that...
I haven't bothered upgrading from integrated graphics, which is why I just stick with my console and handheld games.
I have 64mb integrated graphics. It's an Intel chipset, and runs most games poorly. Even games that came out around the time my computer was built don't run well.
oh well nothign can beat BLOOD or even duke 3d on level design and funness anyway *L* Mmmmm lets see what FPSs am I thinking about anyway Clive bakers undieing,System shock 2,Quake 2,Unreal GOld,Unreal Torenment (03+ are nerfed),Dues ex,Half life..altho soem of these have been ported to consoles *L*