I just got comments that Nintendo Sued R4DS company and they closed the factory and stopped selling it, can someone verify if that is true?
Well I don't know if they were ordered to cease production but there is a production shortage. I ordered an R4 around November 27th. I realize shipping may take around 2 or 3 weeks, yet I still haven't recieved it. I thought it may have been due to poor service from DealExtreme but I found this. http://www.volumerate.com/details.vr/sku.1202~r.DX
I've been told by someone who sells r4's that the factory was indeed shut down. But they have moved and have restarted production, the slow supply of r4's is that production was stopped and all the stock taken away.
When I was checking the status of my tracking, I got wierd messages. One was "waiting on manufacturer" and "in assembly". It was almost 3 weeks before I got an email saying my package was in transit. They must be really backed up. I just got it on New Year's Eve. A month plus shipping. Wow.
I've heard this rumor several times, but I've yet to see anyone provide any evidence to back it up. As long as products like the M3, R4, TopToy, etc... keep shipping, I think it's safe to say that they haven't been shut down.
As far as I know the chinese goverment is enforcing the recent law that any sofeware or hardware that enables you to bypass copywrite is now illegal. The last I heard is that the people who were producing R4's were slapped with the chinese equivelent of a cease and desist order some months ago, this was ignored so the autorities closed the small factory that assembled the R4's. this was from a friend in Hong Kong I have also heard that another factory is being set up to restart production, not sure if thats true we can but hope
I think that company is already dead, I mean come on, there is still no support for higher capacity microSDHC. And most poster here are like "where to get R4", R4 this and R4 that, yet them seem non-existance to support MicroSDHC. I bought 6GB microSDHC, I originally bought it for my cellphone MP3 player but it would be cool to have it on R4.
The place I have been getting my r4's from since November has discontinued them. There still are some getting into the country at the moment but I'm sure this will soon stop.
I think people should just stop going so crazy over the R4. At least two cards (the DSTT and the Edge DS) have come out that do everything the R4 does, as well as have SDHC support. Not only that, but they're both cheaper.
I was always under the impression that the DSTT (TopToy) was made by the same manufacturer as the R4. I've read this in a few forums, and it's also listed in a table at the following site (http://www.modsupplier.com/catalog/dstt-ttds-p-227.html). There's no guarantee that this is 100% accurate, but if it is the case, then one would think that if the R4 were shutdown, then so would the DSTT.