This happens when I tried to backup Nas: Video Anthology There are no multiple angles, but it says "ANGLE and/or INTERLEAVING is present." I'm using v.080 of rebuilder and CCE SP
I've heard that multi-angled DVD's give DVD Rebuilder problems. Do a Google search and see what you can find.
I didn't see any errors at all. Is this where it quits? Did you follow Vurbal's guide? It looks like you are missing some dll files. Follow this guide and you should be all set.
I know how to use rebuilder I've backed up hundreds of dvd's with it and this is the first time I've had a problem Don't u see the strange HIGH/LOW/TYPICAL bitrates? The high is negative, the low is 9,001 The reduction level is -1000000% lol, that's not normal
ahhh... I see now. I'd say post your question here: Those guys can probably help you out better than I can.