after 3 years i found away to get money from other people on runescape just follow directins and the people will send you the password. it works this should help Step 1. Get the runescape account name you want to hack. make sure you have a runescape account as you need to confuse the runescape server into giving ya you victims password. Step 2. There is a secret e-mail which jagex bot use to notify ppl about there password and send them there password if needed i found it while i was scanning their server. The code used to send ppl passwords was hard to find but i finaly found it while collecting bits and peices while scanning the server and using a firewall barrier hacking device. i have found there seceret software emal adress. There email is Step 3. here is the code to confuse the server. Do not make any mistakes. Subject: rspasswrdrecovry (be careful, just copy and paste it to the subject at the top) #=No.:4658932//$%Code&" YOUR USERNAME"%*==$& } #serident6254\$$Code%"YOUR VICTIMS ACCOUNT"*$$1==$& } E\$$Code*&%$$#imput*%"YOUR PASSWORD"*32&&*$==02$& } Step 4. dont make any mistakes or you will fail. Step 5. Send to: Step 6. Retrive a messege with the Victims password!
Wow, Runescape use a Yahoo E-mail address? Didn't you say you scanned their server, not yahoos? Anyway, I don't think anyone on Afterdawn will fall for that, so I think yer wasting your time. P.S. if anyone is just passing by, then this guy is trying to scam your details from you. Let's see what the mods think, they'll be here soon I'm sure. Cheers.